Jamaica: The beginning of our travel journey

Published: March 19th 2017
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I'm an aerialist. The only thing I love as much as hanging upside down, is traveling. I recently signed up to compete, and am learning its pretty rough on my body... so I decided I needed a hobby that isn't physical. My husband suggested that I blog about our travels, so here I am.

2012: Marriage... Wedding- so expensive 😞 and what comes after? another expensive thing, a honeymoon. Luckily my gracious mother helped us pay for our honeymoon. 5 days in Couples Negril.

Because I am going back in time and blogging about historical trips we have taken, I can easily say what I would do different, based on my experience of many trips after.

Negril was beautiful. The hotel was amazing. The staff was amazing. The food was to die for. Alcohol unlimited? Hell yes. Relaxation at its best is what this type of trip provides. There was beautiful hammocks to lay in, and you can take a flag and put it in the sand, and someone comes and brings you a drink! But to be honest, this was probably the worst bang for our buck. Spending 3,000 dollars for the all-inclusive trip- looking back we could have done so much more. It was only 5 days in duration, and after a few days, we were bored AF. We are high energy individuals, and after spending 3k, we couldn't afford to do any additional excursions. This left us laying around in our hotel, surfing the internet, and essentially buying a house- I'm not joking, thats what happened. WE BOUGHT A HOUSE. HAHA

But seriously, the beach span wasn't very big, and going off the resort was dangerous. We were offered quite a bit of drugs, prostitutes, etc. There was a guard asking for names of people who left the resort. The most interesting part of the trip, was the drive from the airport to the resort, seeing the country for as it is, poor, broken, but the people oh so happy with a simple life. I do want to mention the food again... it was delicious, and I have a very sensitive stomach, and did not once get sick.

Now that I'm wiser, if you want a relaxation trip like this, go to groupon, pick one, and save yourself some cash. These places shouldn't be $3,000. I'm glad we went once, and I'm glad it was our honeymoon, but past that, we won't be going back, nor suggesting it to high energy couples like us.

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Swan BlanketSwan Blanket
Swan Blanket

The staff turned my travel blanket into a swan too, it was adorable
Jamaica HousingJamaica Housing
Jamaica Housing

Passing by on our way to our resort

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