Costa Rica

Published: January 17th 2019
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Caldera the main port and a gateway to some of the most amazing rain forests and national parks in the world. While Costa Rica is one of the smallest countries in Central America, it is naturally diverse, with lush rain forests teeming with wildlife along side pristine beaches which attract thousands of visitors every year. The protection of this remarkable habitat is a priority for the nations government which focuses on ecotourism. The Reserva Biologica Carara offers a gorgeous nature walk. Costa Rica is a peaceful, democratic country which disbanded its army in 1940.

Officially the Republic of Costa Rica population of 5 million, land area 333,000 live in the capitol San jose and 2 million in surrounding areas . The country is Republic with stable democracy, they are highly educated. The country puts more into education and health care than most 1st world countries. Very high up in the United Nations and human development. There are 127 Volcano's 5 still active,

Venturing to the highlands in the lush forest with views from the high mountains we arrive at the highland ranch Rancho San Miquel. Mares their offspring and stallions of very high quality put on a show for
San miquel RanchoSan miquel RanchoSan miquel Rancho

Spanish horses bred for quality . An Equestrian center for kids
us. Stopping in Orotina at a hacienda to explore the town.

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