The last couple of weeks

Published: April 14th 2010
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It's turned out to be a busy couple of weeks, with lots going on. Various dinner invitations extended and exchanged. This has meant lots of good food and even better company.
I hitched to Governors Harbour the other day, intending to do a few errands and visit a new friend, all of which I did. A rather pleasant surprise occurred in my day. I was taken to the site of the new
nature preserve on Eleuthera. This is one the BNT (Bahamas National Trust) parks and as of yet
is not open to the public. They have 25 acres to prepare, with only four people working, still they
have made great headway. It was a great pleasure to get a tour of newly made paths, and see the spots for the education centres. The aim is to have most of the park wheelchair accessable. Given the hilly nature of some of the paths, this will be no small feat. There were huge termite mounds to be seen, and large bromelieds and orchids that are indigenous to the Bahamas. A real treat to see
these in the wild. Folks are working hard to remove all the non native plants, which include huge
numbers of Casuarina trees, also known as Australian Pine or Cedar. They produce nice looking red
wood, but when they drop their needles they smother the local plants. All the removed trees will be chipped to provide mulch for the paths, which help keep them free of growth, at least for a little while. Of course, this side trip had not been on my agenda for the day, so I had no camera with me. Sadly there are no photos of those lovely wild plants or the frogs etc.. I suppose I should just carry
the camera everywhere.
We have begun our serious weather watching, so we can begin moving North again once more. I have one day left at the school, to allow me to say good-bye to the kids, then our route planning and so on begins. Those that sail know how that goes, plan a, b and c must be in place before we leave.
Take care eveyone. See you all in June.


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