festivals and fun

Published: March 5th 2010
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driven agrounddriven agrounddriven aground

result of squall and poor lines
The week and the month finished out here with the bay festival. We are told there are several held during the year. A fast ferry was chartered for Saturday to bring people, hot-rods, musicians. The ferry stayed until 11:00 or so before returning all the above home. The first night was relatively quiet with music provided by a DJ. It picked up after 10 pm, as people began returning from Elvina's ( a hotspot about five miles away). We have now discovered the use for the colourful booths, tables,stage and grassy area near the harbour.
Saturday promised to be both much warmer and livelier, alas it was not to be. After enjoying some food, the iceman ( I will explain him later) and live music, the rain of the impending cold front arrived. This sent all the boater racing for the dingy dock, hoping to stay reasonably dry before reaching our respective mother ships. Of course then the wind arrived and lots of it. Thus ended the festival for us.
The ferry left a little ahead of it's scheduled time, what a time to leave with a squall in full flight. These guys are good at managing their ship
a walking toura walking toura walking tour

a walking tour
in a restricted harbour. Their spotlights carefully picking out moored and anchored boats, as well as the keyhole of an entrance. I certainly did not envy them their job Saturday night.
Oh yes the iceman, this is for the kids, although I confess to enjoying the sight. This high energy man danced around tossing candies to the children. He would then take off running, children racing after him and toss dollar bills into the air for them to catch, back to the stage for more dancing and the spectacle would begin again. Children who did not manage to catch any goodies, were offered the chance later by the emcee to come an acquire what their swifter friends had plucked out of the air. Everyone seemed to have a great time.
People were dancing on the stage, on the grass and enjoying the food from the booths as well as each others company.
The Kingston contingent was out in full force, all were moving in time to the music, and once again it seemed that fun was had by all.


10th March 2010

Greetings from Cyprus, enjoyed the blog, Regards http://anewlifeincyprus.blogspot.com

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