Page 3 of sherrys Travel Blog Posts

Europe » France » Centre » Tours September 22nd 2022

Last night after dinner, Tim and I took a short night walk around the Old Town to check out the scene and see if how the place looks under lights. Our ambitions exceeded our energy levels, so it was cut back, trimmed, and we were back home in 40 minutes. There’s a few pictures up but it’s worth noting that on Wednesday night, the Plaza was buzzing. Tonight is our last in Tours so we’ll join the crowds for a few drinks and a meal. I better get this thing squared away early. Well, it’s the last day here, right. So breakfast becomes a combination of things that are never normally mentioned together, let alone eaten together, but we have a fridge to empty. I certainly covered all the food groups and that’s enough said about ... read more
Busy Plaza

Europe » France » Centre » Tours September 21st 2022

Today was a clothes washing day and Tim decided to check out how the washing machine works. He worked it out alright. He set it going on a non reversible cycle with nothing inside ; just a test run. We left the machine to clean itself for an hour, and wandered out to the Tours Weekly Outdoor Food Market. It was a hot sunny day, perfect for getting your washing dry, if you had any to dry, but equally good for just soaking up some rays and buying fresh veges, a cooked chicken, and some melon for dessert; how decadent. A friendly café near the market had three cappuccinos with our names on them, so we found a corner table overlooking the street and placed an order, a little wary of how a cappuccino is interpreted ... read more
Place Plumereau
Tours Main Road
Coffee Time

Europe » France » Centre » Tours September 20th 2022

After morning heart starter number three at a Cafe in the Square, we set off for the village market in Poć-Sur-Cisse and arrived just in time to witness the butchers van make his last sale for the day before packing up and moving on. The car park he was located in wouldn’t have supported many stall holders anyway, so we don’t think we missed much. They must have packed up early due to low sales; this village is quiet. Chateaus are a common sight as you drive around the Loire Valley, but most aren’t considered important enough to rate a mention in the tourist guides, and the Chateau Poce Sur Cisse is one such chateau. We stumbled across this noble residence on a substantial estate, and bought some rolls at the local patisserie and ate our ... read more
The Kitchen
Old world detail
Our bedroom

Europe » France » Centre » Tours September 19th 2022

Last night after posting the blog, I returned to the Cathedral with Tim to check out the annual - lucky timing for us - light show, this year featuring the Museum of Chartres, and the front and side of the Cathedral. It was about 11pm, freezing cold, but I would not have missed it for anything. It’s difficult to tell from still photos, but it changed themes and scenes about 4 times. Our favourite was a depiction of workmen abseiling from the top of the spires and walls, and building the cathedral from the ground up, finishing with a splash of colour. I’ve never seen anything like it. Today is easy. We have to be out of our apartment by 11am, we’ll have croissants and a few coffees for breakfast - that’s me anyway - and ... read more
Top Two Dormer Windows

Europe » France » Centre » Chartres September 18th 2022

Tim tells me today is probably the biggest day of our trip, so it’s 7.30am and I’m getting the jump on this blog. Last night I was still going when everyone else was asleep. I enjoy the peace but it does take some joy out of it. It reminds me of a motorbike trip I did with a club, who shall remain nameless , but not any rebel outfit. We rode Vespas. One member, a friend who writes for a living, did a daily journal for our website, and I certainly never fully appreciated the effort he went to; I do now. Thanks Ian. I’m certainly not complaining, but if it seems a bit lean some days, bear with me. I’ve decided facts about each attraction are less important than a bit of opinion, so we’ll ... read more
Quiet Sunday In Reims
Porte de Mars, Reims
Porte de Mars ,Reims

Europe » France » Champagne-Ardenne » Reims September 17th 2022

I was up early today to run through my survival routine; shower, heat pack , Ibuprofen, and a shot on the TENS machine. I have new respect for women who rise early to go through their daily routine of cosmetic applications. I didn’t even look any better after my effort. We packed the car, bought a takeaway coffee at Babbo, and headed south east across the overcast Battlefields of World War One. It’s hard to picture the muddy destruction as we drove passed, but signs and landmarks point to areas of significance in the Verdun region. Much of the forest area we pass through are designated spoiled areas, where it is forbidden to engage in any building or development activity because of the contamination by artillery and armaments. It would be nice to think it is ... read more
Champagne Vines As Far As The Eye Can See
Champagne Tour At Mercier’s

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette September 16th 2022

Today’s post will be brief. My focus today is to try and straighten out a severe upper back strain, and more importantly, to survive the experimental medical treatment that I’ve been subjected to. Normally I wouldn’t show a picture of my skin from the waist up, but I have put it out there so there is proof, just in case things go awry, and Sue needs them for litigation. I have a strain spanning my shoulder blades and every so often a shock of pain causes an involuntary spasm, causing me to drop or twitch. It qualifies me as a member of Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks, a club I want nothing to do with. Unfortunately the local physiotherapist doesn’t work on Friday so it’s desperate measures for desperate times. We walked down to the ... read more
Alternative Medicine From GG Patisserie
Pâté au Riesling
Backyard Electric Therapy

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette September 15th 2022

After a stack of Vegemite on rye bread for dinner last night, preceded throughout the day with sweet pastries and a Club sandwich for lunch - I suspect the Club was Collingwood, judging from the taste - I was pleased to have covered the five main food groups ; coffee, sugar, salt, butter, and carbohydrates. I feel Olympic. Is that even a thing. Don’t even ask why dinner was Vegemite on toast but it wasn’t the cook’s fault. Let’s just say, never buy smoked tempeh, and if you do, bury it deeper than nuclear waste, and under no circumstances attempt to open the packet. Tim tried to remove the tempeh from his serve, and then he ate it. I thought we brought him up better than that. It was inedible. Luxembourg has a very ridged rubbish ... read more
Our train at Esch-Sur-Alzette.
Luxembourg Railway  Station
Our Lunch Wagon

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette September 14th 2022

We’re just treading water at the moment. Tim went in to work today. No, seriously, he did, and Sue and I were left to amuse ourselves. My most important, and only compulsory task of the day was to mail a license to Switzerland, so a friend of Tim’s could continue to drive. The list of handyman chores this trip is quite lean, but when the front door handle came off when I tried to open it, I thought there’s never a better time than now to get to work. This building of three units also has a very heavy entry door that just had a new comercial closer fitted to it without adjusting the closing action. The old man, and this one is older than me, by a lot, living on the ground floor just about ... read more
Yes, The Tour de France came through in 2006.
GG Sugar Hit Shop.
The Living Room View From Tim and Natalia’s Place

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette September 13th 2022

Standing in the smoke filled Portuguese Chicken Shop last night, inhaling the deep dark flavours of oil basted pork, and chickens, split and splayed flat between wire frames, I was at the mercy of my senses when deciding what was for dinner; some of everything it turns out. Shiny glistening meat, exploding tiny sprays of oil, ok, fat, blackened as the grills were manually turned, sending my nose and mouth into a drooling mess. “ Chicken, pork ribs, and rice thanks. Yeah, with olive oil and chilli sauce. Thanks.” The talk was Tim. I don’t speak the lingo in these parts. We then stepped aside to allow the next customer in. There were four sweating, shiny skinned workers; two women preparing, one man standing guard over the charcoal grills, and an older woman, though not as ... read more
Wandering In The Badlands
Childcare Centre
Nice slate rooftops from Tim’s kitchen

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