Page 3 of Tarkanian Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Montana » Whitefish April 24th 2016

Day: 7/8 Distance: 2535 Note: the Internet connection is so bad that loading pictures and map will have to wait. The management sincerely regrets any inconvinence due to speed and wishes to announce that they are looking for faster gerbils with which to expedite future postings. After 7+ days I can report a few things: 1. It's really easy not taking a shower or change into new cloths when the temperature is in the 20s (read that as I need another shower). 2. My skin has become like leather and feels rough and weird no matter how much lotion I put on (albeit I didn't usually put much on, if any, before). I must be "chicking" out. 3. My sinuses are dried out and feel like an old panned out gold mine (no nuggets - get ... read more
Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park
Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park

North America » United States » Montana » Helena April 23rd 2016

Day: 6 & 7 Miles: 2187 After leaving Kemmerer, I took US 30 north, and ever so briefly went into Utah (really, like 1 mile). I took SR 61 at the border which dumped me onto US 89 on the inside border of Wyoming. My goal was to get to Yellowstone and camp for the night at one of their campgrounds before I hightailed it for Montana. The drive on 89 all he way to Jackson was scenic. I was making great time and was really thinking I would camp on the norther side of Yellowstone after taking the eastern loop (I've never done that). After a brief pit stop in Jackson, I headed north on US 191/89. The Tetons off to the west were very beautiful and I remembered nostalgically the time Emily and Luci ... read more
Grand Tetons
Rolling hills of Idaho
My camp at Henry's Lake State Park

North America » United States » Wyoming » Kemmerer April 22nd 2016

Day: 5 Distance: 1692 In case I haven't let you know, please feel free to pass the blog link info to whoever you want. It's completely public. Of course I am assuming that people want to read it in the first place. :) I was having such a good time at Dinosaur National Monument that I had another late start to my road trip. My initial plan was to get to the Grand Tetons or Yellowstone to setup camp. The late start (3:30PM) made that an iffy possibility. To top it off, and as I was talking to Kim about, I'm starting to worry about my timing. I need to start moving faster to at least get to the areas I wanted to see in the first place, i.e. Alaska, and to have enough time to ... read more
Road to Hams Fork Campground
You shall not pass!!!
Road away from Hams Fork Campground!

North America » United States » Utah » Vernal April 21st 2016

Day: 4/5 Miles: 1462 miles After my stop at Cortez (to get data access to write the blog) I proceedEd north on SR 145 towards Telluride. I can tell you that stretch of road has to be one of the most majestic scenic routes I have ever taken. The pictures can't do it justice. High steep jagged mountains towering into the sky, covered with wind blowing snow is a poor description. That section of road is on my top 10 list of most scenic drives. This personal sojourn has been just amazing with all the fantastic vistas I have seen and I haven't even gone into Canada much less Alaska. At Mountain Village I took a wrong turn and continued to head north on SR 145 instead of heading to Telluride (I was not lost Kim, ... read more
Another shot of route to Telluride
Living the high life, yea baby
Dino time (and Spam)

Day 3 & 4 Yesterday was a fairly brief day. I drove past Shiprock, uh, rock on US64. At the town of Shiprock city I turned north onto US 491for the first time. It was brief. At the city of Cortez I took a brief stop and visited Walmart to purchase a few vital pieces of equipment. The big one being a nice comfy pillow. Mission accomplished. I did notice next door an Indian natural remedy establishment so I said "what the heck" and entered. The staff was very helpful (and very happy) and showed me all types of herbal teas. The teas had odd names such as cookie dough, rainbow blast, etc. I was tempted to get some cookie dough tea as I really wanted to see how it tasted but alas I don't have ... read more
Atop of Mesa Verde looking north
Still alive (my hair is BAD underneath the cap)
Endangered Spruce Tree House

North America » United States » New Mexico » Farmington April 18th 2016

Day 3 Had a good morning with my parents and said my goodbyes. Alas, I didn't leaver Amarillo till around 1PM. Late start indeed. Essentially I headed up to Raton via Dalhart then Clayton. From Raton, I took state highway 64 which hugs the northern New Mexico border. From Raton to Cimarron to Eagle Nest I hit my first Snow Storm going through the mountain pass. Not to bad as the temperature stayed just above freezing so I wasn't too worried. I was worried about it going below freezing but the travel gods where with me. Lucky me. It was very beautiful with the trees covered with snow and the ground covered with this layer of the purest white. I passed a couple cars coming from the other direction, but aside from that, almost total solitude. ... read more
Rio Grande Royal Gorge
I might live
Dodge the Wildlife

North America » United States » Texas » Amarillo April 17th 2016

It's been a long but really nice day, except for an interlude when I was leaving Dallas/Fort Worth and discovered the Bluetooth in the Blue Bomber (henceforth known as BB my fake SUV) quit working! Now this is a tragedy, one worthy of many choice words from an old salt's naval vocabulary. BB's Bluetooth ties my iPhone and iPad to my car. No speaker phone, no streaming music, and no speaker phone (yes I said it twice). I hadn't realized I had gotten so attached to the Bluetooth in my car. Now that I have had to live like much of the unwashed masses I can tell you it ain't safe to use your cell phone while you are driving. Yes Yes I know most have figured that out by now but it still came as ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Trophy Club April 16th 2016

I’m not used to this blogging thing. I find myself trying to treat this document as a business document with all the proper structure, sentence construction and grammar. Plus I spent way too much time on the first blog trying to make it perfect (at least from my perspective). I can’t see me doing that on the entire trip as I will get nothing done. From what I can tell from reading a few blogs over the last several days; it's almost a stream of consciousness coupled with any type of visceral reaction and or opinions to whatever person, place or thing that happens to be in their cross-hairs. So for you grammarians out there, have a drink on me and sit back and try to enjoy all the ways you can tell me how I ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Trophy Club April 12th 2016

I'm off to Alaska for a month or so road trip. How do I get to this point you ask? Wellllllll... that's a good question... I was born a poor child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family... alrighty then, maybe not the most appropriate start. In reality, after eight years, my company and I parted ways a couple weeks ago (they suggested I say it was mutually agreed upon... so hey! it's mutual). Overall I wasn't particularly surprised. My passion for the company had died several years earlier for a variety of reasons. Then I made a lateral move that ended up not working out for a variety of additional reasons. I’ll spare you the dull and drab details as it is boring and might border on violating my no-disparage clause. ... read more

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