Page 5 of Siewch Travel Blog Posts

I was excited to be on our way to Trinidad. Everyone I know who had been to Cuba raves about this town. The journey to Trinidad took about 1.5 hours. We arrived around 1pm and we had lunch on the terrace of a family home in town. After lunch, Tony took us to our guesthouse, where we were shown into a large, garish bright pink room. The room was very comfortable, and that made up for the pepto bismol decor. After a quick rest, we met Tony for a walk around Trinidad. This is a pretty town. It is more gentrified than Cienfuegos, and, like Vinales, quite a few houses double as guesthouses. Unlike Vinales, though, quite a few residences also double as restaurants or souvenir shops. During our walk along the cobblestoned streets, we visited ... read more
Typical Trinidad Street Scene
Parque Central
Parque Cubano Natural Park

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Cienfuegos October 11th 2017

Today was a long travel day from Vinales to Cienfuegos. After bidding farewell to our host Sisa and giving Sophia one last pet, we headed out of Vinales at 8am. Our route took us back east towards the outskirts of Havana, and then southeast. Our stop for lunch was at another family run restaurant, this time at the 56km marker. The fried chicken was phenomenal. What was odd about this restaurant was that it had a table displaying various toiletries. The toiletries were sealed with cling wrap, and most of them looked imported. There were hefty price tags on them. Apparently, importing toiletries and reselling them at a significant markup is a thriving business for some workers on their own account. After lunch, we drove for a bit before making a rest stop in a town ... read more
Playa Giron Museum

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Viñales October 10th 2017

While the state is the dominant player in the Cuban economy, many people work in other jobs on the side or set up their own enterprises. These people are referred to as “workers on their own account”, as they may not have the normal benefits associated with state jobs. With doctors earning as little as $50 per month in the official state sanctioned economy, I can understand why people may want to become workers on their own account, especially with tourism booming (it is now the most important industry). On our trip to Vinales and all around Vinales, we saw that this side of the economy is alive and well. We headed west on the main highway after our morning tour of Havana. We had two stops en route to Vinales. The first was lunch at ... read more
Communa Terraza
Communa Terraza
Our Guesthouse

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana October 9th 2017

Forgive Me, O Travel Gods, For I Have Sinned... ...I am traveling on a package tour. My first since I was a teenager. I realized early on that I preferred to make my own decisions and what to do and where to go, and that I liked figuring how to get around. My resolve to avoid package tourism was reinforced in 2014 when I took advantage of Incheon Airport’s free stopover tours of Seoul. I regretted that decision because I didn’t feel like I made a connection with the place. So, how did I end up on a tour? Jeff’s parents - Jeff Sr. and Peggy - very kindly sponsored a family trip for the four of us to Cuba. We all wanted to experience Cuba before it truly emerges from isolation and American brands saturate ... read more
Committee For The Defense of the Revolution
Old Square
Revolution Square

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 30th 2017

Here I am, at my last stop before I return home for a week. Next up: Cuba with Jeff and his parents. What an amazing experience this has been. I'll write a greatest hits (and misses) entry after I return home from Cuba and I have had some time to process and put down in words what I have experienced, seen, and felt. Finding Farfetch'd I landed at a very wet Narita Airport at 7.40am on Thursday, September 28th. After clearing immigration and customs, I purchased a ticket for the 8.53am Narita Express train to Shinjuku. I was told that the trains were operating behind schedule because of the rain. My train departed almost half an hour late, and it took almost two hours - double the usual travel time - to get into Central Tokyo ... read more
Robot Restaurant

Asia » Japan » Kanagawa » Kamakura September 29th 2017

This blog covers a day trip I took from Tokyo to Kamakura, a UNESCO World Heritage Site south of Tokyo. The rest of my Tokyo shenanigans are covered in a separate entry. On September 29th, I woke up bright and early and made my way to Shinjuku station to catch a train to Kamakura. At Shinjuku station, I witnessed the Tokyo hive mind at work during the rush hour. Shinjuku is the world's busiest train station; hordes of people were coming and going, but they seemed to know exactly what to do to not inconvenience others. Even though the trains were crowded, boarding and disembarkation was orderly. Two different lines operated from the platform I departed from. There were colored lines on the platform floor representing the two routes; commuters knew where to wait in line ... read more
My View At Lunch
Tsurugaoka Hachimangu

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon September 22nd 2017

As you may recall, Yangon was my first stop on my Myanmar journey, but I left after only one full day because Bagan beckoned. I'm now back in Yangon. What a journey this has been. Arriving Back At Yangon I flew from Mandalay to Yangon on Wednesday, September 20th. As this was my last stop in Myanmar, I decided to splurge a little on a three star hotel. I chose the Hotel Grand United on 21st Street. Since this was the low season, the room price wasn't too bad at US$40 per night. It started pouring the minute I landed at Yangon airport. The taxi ride into town was in heavy rain, and it persisted until the late afternoon. Thankfully, this hotel's wifi was quite decent, so I watched Netflix while waiting for the rain to ... read more
Cover Band at Park Royal
Yangon Circular Train
Yangon Circular Train

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw September 19th 2017

I trekked in rebel territory. But, before we go there, I shall regale you with a woeful tale of my planning fail. The Planning Fail As you may recall from my last entry, I flew south from Mandalay to Heho, my jumping off point for Inle Lake. I had initially intended to go to Kalaw from Heho Airport to do a three day trek from there to Inle Lake, but I changed my mind because it rained most of my last full day in Mandalay and I realized I did not want to deal with rain and mud for three days. As it turned out, it did rain a fair bit during the three days I was at Inle Lake. But, this decision left some slack in my schedule. While I was at Ostello Bello in ... read more
Hsipaw Trek
Hsipaw Trek

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Inle Lake September 15th 2017

Getting to Inle I asked Win Aung to drive me to Mandalay Airport to catch my flight to Heho, the closest airport to Inle Lake. I told him that my flight was at 10am and he said he would pick me up at 8.30am. I trusted he knew what he was doing, so I happily hopped into his car when he showed up the next morning. I did not realize how far out of town Mandalay Airport was. After 35 minutes in the car - one hour to departure - there was still no sign of the airport. I hadn't even spotted any directional signs. I grew concerned and I asked him how much longer it was to the airport. He said 20 minutes. Yikes. That would get me there 35 minutes before departure. It then ... read more
Inle Lake
With My New Friends
Phaung Daw U Pagoda

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay September 12th 2017

On The Road Boat To Mandalay To get to Mandalay, I took a boat up the Ayeyarwady River on a ten hour trip north departing Bagan at stupid o'clock. At 4am, I stumbled out of bed, showered, packed, and met my pre-booked driver who took me to the pier at Nyaung U in time for my 5am check in at the boat. The boat departed at 5.20am with just seven passengers. This is one upside of traveling during the low/wet season - empty hotels and tourist transport. The top deck of the boat was comfortably laid out with rattan deck chairs. We each had lots of space to ourselves. After setting off from Bagan, I watched the sunrise over the Ayeyarwady, then I settled in for the long ride, observing the riverside communities and other boats ... read more
The Boat To Mandalay
The Boat To Mandalay
The Streets of Mandalay

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