Page 9 of Roaming Gypsy Travel Blog Posts

Asia January 30th 2020

I have been without wifi for 3 days so it will take some time for me to get caught up. I wanted to talk about colours in India. Colours are an integral part of India and very evident in any special event or holiday. Everyone dresses in their most outstanding colours, mostly the warm hues of red, orange, yellow, blue, green and gold. It has both a political and religious significance. Saffron which signifies sanctity is the most significant colour. Red represents sensuality and purity, blue is identified with Lord Krishna; immortality and bravery. Black is a very unpopular colour for undesirability, evil while white is for peace and purity. White is the only colour a widow is allowed to wear. Brides wear red. There is so much more significance to all these colours than what ... read more
Ixora flowers

Asia » India January 29th 2020

I awoke this morning to the sound of birds outside the patio doors and when I pulled back the curtains there outside our window is the Arabian Sea with boats of all description plying their way back and forth among the islands. It is foggy this early in the morning. I’m trying to quietly get up, make some coffee and get outside on our patio so I can enjoy the early morning sights and smells and sounds. Of course when I try to be quiet that is when I make the most noise!! Little fishing boats, tugs, a ferry and the odd ocean freighter are going about their businesses while I sip french press coffee and make some notes on my blog. Soon enough we head over for breakfast. The breakfast patio is outside protected from ... read more

Asia » India January 28th 2020

Lazy start to our day as we have nothing on the agenda except what we want to do. I have discovered my iPad is foo full of pictures, won’t share with my iPhone & won’t download pictures from my camera. So my task this morning is to forage in the city for an Apple store. As luck would have it there is one two blocks from our hotel that is supposed to open at 10 a.m. Jane & I head over at 10 but it’s not open. We wait around standing on the street corner like a couple of hookers! We are approached by the first person who is looking for some people he is supposed to guide - not us, we’re waiting for the store to open. Then we are approached by a nice young ... read more

Asia » India January 27th 2020

Meeting in the lobby at nine a.m. for a bus tour of the city. Today’s blog will be a long one because of all the information that the tour guide provided to us over the next five hours. Mumbai (or Bombay as some know it) is built over 7 islands. When the British took over Mumbai from the Portuguese they built causeways between all the islands. It is situated on the coastline of the Arabian Sea And has a population of 23 million. Mumbai is known as the City of Ganesh, a city with a heart. The Hindu god Ganesh ensures a flow of money, protects the inhabitants and welcomes visitors. Rudyard Kipling was born here as his father was a famous architect in the city. He designed the fruit market which we will visit a ... read more

Asia » India January 26th 2020

Nothing is planned for today except walking the streets. It’s a national holiday today (Republic Day) and the entire population of Mumbai is on the streets celebrating. Vendors are everywhere hawking their goods and there are those who want to give you a blessing with an orange dot on your forehead, some sugar and a coloured string around your wrist for good luck and all of this for a donation, please. I received a bracelet made of fresh jasmine flowers “no money - because it is a holiday” but of course they do want a donation. We walked to the Arabian Sea to have a quick look at The Gateway to India. Because of the celebrations taking place we can’t get near it but we’ll see it closer tomorrow. A quick visit into the Taj Hotel ... read more
Inside the Taj Hotel

Asia » India January 25th 2020

Contemplate the horrors of medieval prisons, where scores of men and women were forced to cohabitate in cramped conditions, pressed against each other, not able to lie down. A sip of water and a few bites of food thrown to them. Got that picture in your head? Well that’s what a 14 hour flight feels like exactly. I was lucky to sit with a young couple who live in Philadelphia, were visiting relatives in Canada and were on their way to Mumbai to visit their parents - really pleasant people. While waiting for the bathroom, I spotted Helen on the other side chatting up the flight attendants and another passenger. She had an enthralled audience by the look of it. Finally we arrive at the Mumbai airport and are welcomed by our tour guide who draped ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala October 27th 2019

Think end of January - cold icy winds drifting over the banks of snow, frozen noses and reddened cheeks from walking, driving on icy roads. Had enough? Sorry, I figure this time of year is a good time to wander off to somewhere warmer - now think southern India. Close to the equator with steamy hot days and indigo dark skies at night. Yep, I'm going to India again but to the southern end this time. After just returning from Spain, I figured it was a good time to start packing my suitcase for India. I know what I used and what I really didn’t need from the Spain trip and so it’s the best time to organize my travel paraphernalia. As well, I was putting my summer things away for the season, many of which ... read more

Europe » Spain October 23rd 2019

Last day - where did the time go? Apparently 10 days is really not enough to experience Spain. Two days are lost in flying and Spain is an immense country. So lots of time lost travelllng between cities. I would love to have had another day in Cordoba and another day in Sevilla and another day in Granada. So much packed into so few days. A city bus tour started the day today with a short stop on top of a foothill with a magnificent view of the city of Barcelona and in the distance the Sagrada Familia which we will visit later today with a private tour. Continuing on past the port of Barcelona which the third largest in Spain. The harbour is packed full of cruise ships, freighters and innumerable sailboats. Barcelona is a ... read more

Europe » Spain October 23rd 2019

An early start today takes us on a bus city tour with intermittent walk abouts. The City of Arts and Sciences is a cultural and architectural complex in the city of Valencia. It is located on the old riverbed of the Turia River which was drained after a catastrophic flood in 1957. L’Hemisferic was the first building completed and resembles a giant eye. It is an IMAX theatre. El Museo de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, an interactive museum of science, resembles the skeleton of a whale. L’Umbracle is an open landscaped walkway and L’Oceanografic is an open air oceanographic museum built in the shape of a water lily. There is also an Opera House and a white cable-stayed bridge crossing the dry river bed. All of these buildings are surrounded by massive reflecting pools. In the ... read more

Europe October 22nd 2019

Alhambra - a sprawling hilltop fortress encompassing royal palaces, serene patios, reflecting pools as well as fountains, orchards and gardens. The buildings existed since the 9th century but became a royal residence in mid 1300’s of King Muhammad Ibn Yusef Ben Nasirn Known as Alhamar (Muslim sultan). Alhambra name means red castle or vermilion because of the red colour of the bricks and astones. The Alhambra became a Christian court in 1492 with the expulsion of the Muslims by the Christians. I apologize for so many pictures - you may not believe it but I maintained restraint on the number of pictures I took. There were so many beautiful rooms and fountains and gardens and of course pictures don’t do any of it real justice. Our guide Carlos is the best guide we have had so ... read more

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