Page 5 of Portsearose Travel Blog Posts

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Aegean Sea September 14th 2016

Day 4 Today we were supposed to go to Turkey, but it seems that the US State Dept didn’t think it was a good idea….. so we have a day at sea. After a bit a sleep in and a shower and a search for a hair dryer (which for the viewers at home, was found in the desk drawer after I came back from brunch.) This trip is all about pushing myself to do things the me of five years ago wouldn’t. So I have decided to try new foods as well as the other more obvious ground breaking moves. Having ordered a side order of ‘cheese grits’ to accompany my Eggs Benedict, I now have the knowledge to confidently say that ‘cheese grits’ are not to my taste and I will not be ordering ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Piraeus September 14th 2016

After having breakfast at the hotel, I packed up and headed off for another look around the Port of Piraeus. Having had more sleep, I was a little more focussed on crossing roads in a safe manner….. that is truly a challenge here in Greece. While packing up, I watched the Greek morning show…. Wow, I have never seen a weather report quite like it….. very animated and energetic you could say. In this adventure, I found a lot of the shops hidden in narrow roads almost by mistake. I also took time to sit and watch the world from Greece’s oldest port. In an absolutely hectic and seemingly random city, the luxury yachts had a certain order about them. The hotel bus took me and some fellow cruisers to the ship, which I have to ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Piraeus September 13th 2016

Day 2, part 2 – Athens, Piraeus Athens airport was easy…. I excitedly got my first passport stamp, EVER! After I went through customs, (actually after I and the rest of the passengers from the flight casually strolled past the two customs guys that waved the entire group through) I walked through the doors, saw a guy who had my name printed on a sheet of a4, he had a trolley and was parked straight out the front. I don’t know how one manages that, but quite frankly, I am still confused about the road rules…… are there any? He drove me the 40kms to Piraeus, past the sad former airport that got superseded when the Olympics came to town. Past the Olympic stadium…. Past lots of empty shops and half built modern apartment buildings. Athens ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai September 13th 2016

It is 7.10am and I’m sitting at Terminal 3 at Dubai…… I know, it’s something like 1pm at home… I sat next to a nice couple from Doncaster, flying to Glasgow for a funeral. Every now and then I would see the lady leave her seat and head in the direction of the toilet. I wondered if I had again attracted folk who suffer from motion sickness; it turned out she was just a nervous passenger and liked to get up for a walk every now and then. I would really recommend flying with Emirates. The staff are very attentive, food good, a fair amount of leg space (but it does help if you are my height, the mid 5fts)…. But the biggest and most impressive thing is the entertainment system. There are over 2500 channels ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Tullamarine September 11th 2016

Well it’s 4.30 and I’m sitting at departure Gate 11 at Melbourne International waiting for my 6.00pm Emirates flight. The amount of times I have been to this airport, and this is the first time I have walked through those doors that lead to international departures. I was waiting for a big delay but pretty much just went straight through border security, etc. I even remembered to take the lappy out of my carry on bag…. Go me! My travelling companion is Horsey Travels, it’s my third trip with him. He is a bit of a photo bomber. I almost managed to walk past all the duty free shops…. Almost.... read more

Oceania » Australia August 31st 2016

According to the Carnival website, this time in 13 days I will be at sea off Athens. The top temperature there today is 34 deg...... that's quite a leap from Melbourne's winter, today's top was 17 deg. I will have remember to put block out on and wear a hat ( two things that that are not automatic actions to me) or I will go from the 'pasty' one to being a lobster. Given that I have a seemingly endless list of things to do before I go, any anxious thoughts about the trip are now being replaced by a growing yearning for it all to begin, and then what hasn't been done is bad luck.... read more

Oceania » Australia August 24th 2016

Got an email this morning marked important. Carnival Cruises has completely dropped and stop at Turkey for the rest of their season due to advice from the US state dept that it's not safe. (The new ship Carnival Vista is only sailing Europe for another couple of months before it travels to the US, were it's going to be sailing from NYC to the Caribbean). I'm disappointed, but I'm sure it isn't a decision Carnival have made lightly. Originally, we were to sail to Izmir, earlier this year that was altered to Kusadasi, but for now..... it looks like it will be a 'bingo' day. Also, this afternoon I heard about the deadly earthquake in central Italy. These events seem a lot closer to home these days.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mornington Peninsula August 23rd 2016

I'm guessing that my flanno jarmie pants and uggies can stay home..... the new friends I make during my trip can wait a while before I let the existence of these known.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mornington Peninsula August 21st 2016

Well, three weeks until I leave for what my daughter called my 'Fisher Price my first European adventure'...... it's more like 'my once in a lifetime experience'; but lets face it, every trip away should be that memorable. I got the bags out today, ironed stuff and watched youtube travel tip vids. (thanks Rick Steves and Hey Nadine). I don't think I have ever started packing this early. I looked up the fine print of my flights and , yes, my carry on bag conforms. I have been soaking in wisdom from experienced travellers, many thanks to them.... read more

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