Page 5 of Pam and Tom Travel Blog Posts

Fri 9-Sun 11 November - Day 14 to 16 - Caye Caulker We set off very early from Playa del Carmen, taking a short walk to the bus terminal we began our full day journey to beautiful Belize using a combination of public buses, taxis and a ferry. When leaving Mexico we paid a small departure fee of MXN540. The bus was the most interesting!! Alfredo called it the ‘chicken bus’ and the locals call it the ‘bread-stop bus’. I think you get the idea. The ferry trip was 50 minutes in a fast boat with seats downstairs and uncovered seats upstairs. I enjoyed the breeze upstairs with the sun, but the view was excellent and we were getting to know the new members of our group. The new members were from Melbourne, Toronto, Wales, and ... read more
Tucan Group from Playa del Carmen (1)
Sunset No 2 Caye Caulker (100)
Blue Hole flight Caye Caulker Belize (71)

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen November 8th 2018

Wed 7-Thurs 8 November - Day 12 to 13 - Playa del Carmen Before going to Playa del Carmen, we travel to Chichén Itzá, an impressive Maya/Toltec site recently voted as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. The other 6 new wonders are Petra, Great Wall of China, Christo Redentor, Machu Pichu, Taj Mahal and Colosseum. Constructed between the 7th and 10th century AD, Chichén Itzá was a centre of pilgrimage for the Maya for over 1000 years. The most famous attraction is the great Pyramid of Kukulkan, dedicated to the feathered serpent god Kukulkan and built with such precision that a shadow serpent descends down the steps during the equinox. Our guide around the site was knowledgeable, passionate and could speak the Mayan language. One of the areas he spoke about ... read more
Chichén Itzá near Merida - main pyramid (24)
Chichén Itzá near Merida - main pyramid (20)
Lunch time stop after Chichén Itzá (1)

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida November 6th 2018

Mon 5-Tues 6 November - Day 10 to 11 - Mérida We were now off to Merida after a full day on bus from Palenque to Merida. After a short walk to the bus terminal after breakfast at Palenque, we boarded a first class bus and the journey took the whole day. It was very comfortable. Capital of the Yucatan province, the 'white city' of Mérida is a pleasant mixture of colonial buildings, churches and plazas. There were several wide French-style avenues, particularly Calle 60. This was lined with beautiful old buildings, some run down and some beautifully restored. The markets simply overflow with beautiful weavings, hammocks and batiks, making this a great place to buy handmade crafts and souvenirs if one wanted to. At night the city comes alive with live theatre and concerts. On ... read more
Gobiero Palac Merida Mexico (12)
Second Cenotes we swam in near Merida Mexico (43)
Third Cenotes we swam in near Merida Mexico (51)

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque November 4th 2018

Sat 3-Sun 4 Nov - Day 8 to 9 - Palenque Next we took a scenic and lengthy bus journey to Palenque. We passed through beautiful views as we travel for nine hours to the town and ruins of Palenque, famous for the tombs found filled with riches in honour of the renowned Lord Pakal and the Red Queen. We stopped several times, n one occasion buying a whole pineapple cut up. It was so sweet. Arriving around 6.30pm we immediately noticed that the town was very small, and the main road was lined with hotels and restaurant, so very touristy. This town was mainly for the ruins. After dropped our bags into a lovely Hotel Xibalba which was a large a/c room with a sizeable bathroom, we all met across the road for a Mexican ... read more
Alfonso at Palenque Ruins Mexico
Departing Palenque
Cascada Agua de Azul near Palenque - a welcome beer in the humid heat

Wed-Fri Oct 31-Nov 2 - Day 5 to 7 - San Cristóbal Ascending into the mountainous Chiapas region we arrived at the fascinating colonial city of San Cristóbal de las Casas after travelling overnight. It was 7.30 am when we arrived. After walking 10 minutes to our hotel Palacio de Moctezuma from the bus station, we found our rooms would not be ready until 12md, so we all walked to the Zocalo and found a restaurant for breakfast. After breakfast, our guide did the obligatory orientation walk. Part of the walk was through the Plaza 31 de Marzo (Zocalo), and then through, probably one of the best artisan markets we had visited. It was massive. We noted the few Amber outlets and was shown how to detect which was real amber and which was fake ... read more
Cerra & Church of San Cristobal (10)
Grijalva River & Canyon Cruise (8)
San Cristobal - Day of the Dead celebration

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca October 31st 2018

Monday Oct 29-31 - Day 3&4 - Oaxaca Next on our list was Oaxaca (pronounced wa-ha-ka), a beautiful city bordered by mountains and thick forests, with a very pleasant Plaza de la Constitución where we ate, drank and watch the world go by. After a hearty breakfast we caught another mini bus travelling 4-5 hours to Oaxaca. Along the way we came across, what we thought was an accident. After asking Alfredo, he said that several trucks had formed a blockade across the highway in protest for better conditions and pay. Everyone had to turn around and take the old and very windy road as we were going through the mountain range. This was apparently the way that protests are effective!!! One of our fellow travellers was car sick along the old road as it was ... read more
Oaxaca during the Day of the Dead Festival (59)
Santo Domingo de Guzman Museum - Oaxaca (64)
Monte Alban ruins near Oaxaca(140)

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City October 28th 2018

Sunday Oct 28 - Day 2 to 2 - Puebla Before heading to Puebla we took a short bus journey from Mexico City to the ancient site of Teotihuacan where we enjoyed a guided tour. After a ½ drive we stopped for the obligatory coffee as we had left Mexico City at 6.30am. Overnight Mexico’s daylight saving ended so several of our fellow-travellers got up 1 hour earlier (including Tom). Tom actually went down to the reception to double check. On arrival to Teotihuacan we saw an amazing abandoned city built around 300 BC by a civilisation now lost in the mists of time. The historic complex is a fascinating combination of ceremonial pyramids, such as the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, the Ciudadela, which are connected by the Street of the Dead, ... read more
Pueblo (39)
Teotihuacan ruins 1 hr from Mexico City (27)
Teotihuacan ruins 1 hr from Mexico City (22)

North America » Mexico » Mexico City » Naucalpan October 27th 2018

Thursday Oct 24-28 – pre tour plus Day 1 to 1 - Arrive Mexico City Up at 4.30am departing the Cranky Croc Hotel at 5.00am arriving at the Bogota Airport at 5.30am (traffic was starting to build even at that time of the morning) we departed on time with the Colombian-owned Avianca Airlines at 8.30am. The 4-hour flight was very, very comfortable with excellent service. Mexico City is the world's most populated city with over 20 million people (nearly 9 million in the city-propper). Founded by Spanish conquerors in 1521, Mexico's capital sits at 2309 metres above sea level and was built on the site of the ancient Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. The extensive metro system and trolley buses make getting around easy and there is certainly plenty to see and do here. We stayed ... read more
Cathederal Metropolitana Mexico City (16)
Chapultepec Park Mexico City - Museum of Natural History (5)
Garibaldi Plaza Mexico City - Afternoon beer and snacks (2)

South America » Colombia » Bogota October 24th 2018

Mon-Wed Oct 22-24 – Back to Bogota Back in Bogota for 22-24 October, after arriving by Sarpa Airlines from La Macarena, around 3.00pm. The bus transported us back to the main terminal in Bogota and after saying goodbye to 4 of our fellow travellers who lived in Bogota, we hopped into a taxi and went back to the Cranky Croc Hotel. I dived into the shower and washed some clothes. That night we had a light dinner and in bed by 9.30pm after being up at 4.00am in La Macarena for the misty sunrise! We organised a tour for the next day with Freddy who owns the True Colombian Experience tour company. This was the La Chorrera and El Chiflón waterfalls day trip from Bogotá including 3 to 4-hour round-trip hike. (350,000 COP each – ... read more
Scenes along the way to El Chorrio and Chiflón waterfalls  (36)
La Chorrera Waterfall 590m - Colombias highest
Driving out to National Park in the early morning mist (1)

South America » Colombia » Bogota October 22nd 2018

Thursday Oct 18- Monday Oct 22 – Caño Cristales CRISTALES AVENTURA TOURS 5 DAYS TOUR – TOTAL $1,900 all inclusive incl flight Day 1-5 of Caño Crystales – 18-22 October 2018 We left for the Bogota International Airport at 6.30am allowing 1 hour for the morning traffic. It only took us 30 minutes and as our instructions were to wait outside gate No 2, we did this. It was distinctively cool but in minutes a gentleman with the Sapra Airlines logo asked if we were Pamela and Thomas, then showed us inside the terminal and met up with other tour guests going to La Macarena. No one spoke English!!!! By now we were wishing we had stayed with our Spanish lessons 5 years before. We were then driven by bus to the smaller Sapra Terminal and ... read more
Cano Cristales Talete Rojo (16)
Bogota Airport - Sarpa Airlines (2)
La Macarena Airport Terminal

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