Page 2 of Old Cat Woman Travel Blog Posts

North America » Canada » Ontario » Cambridge June 20th 2023

As I write this I’m sitting in the Maple Leaf Lounge at Toronto Pearson International Airport waiting to board Air Canada flight 856, and due to land at London Heathrow around 08:35 tomorrow. It was strange saying goodbye to Susan, Sarah, Victoria, Sadie and Cash – I’ll miss them all! As I'm sure you can imagine, yesterday was a quiet day. We spend most of it just chilling at Susan’s home in Cambridge, but we did pop out to meet Lyn and her grandson, Joe-Joe, for a walk and to grab some caches. It was a hot afternoon, but the walk was very pleasant, it was lovely to see Lyn again, and Joe-Joe is a wonderful smiley baby! I even took a turn at pulling his wagon. As far as I’m aware, we don’t have baby ... read more
The ubiquitous Adirondack chairs!
The lovely Sadie.

North America » Canada » Ontario » Cambridge June 18th 2023

Saturday was spent gardening, cleaning and preparing for the Susan’s birthday barbeque. I was given the responsibility of using the Whipper Snipper to cut the edge of the grass. Whipper Snipper is a much better name for a grass trimmer than Strimmer! I was also given the responsibility of loading the charcuterie board and assisting with frying the onions. Susan did so much in the morning that she needed a bit of a nap in the afternoon! It was lovely to meet some more of Susan’s friends, and a very pleasant evening was had by all with plenty of food and drink being consumed. The mossies were out again though! Having started our celebrations quite early, we were tidied up and in bed at a sensible time, however some of the neighbours weren’t, with a party ... read more
Birthday flowers and strawberries.
Lyn and Sadie.
The four of us.

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary June 16th 2023

We awoke to find the rain had stopped, but that there was now new snow on the mountain tops - so pretty! We left Dead Man’s Flats and drove west back towards Calgary. Rather than drive down the Trans Canada Highway, we took the scenic route. I’d had a look on Google Maps, and found place called Ghost Lake which looked quite nice to visit. As we drove there I was looking into the trees lining the road with the hope of seeing a bear when Susan said, “Look! An animal!” I looked to the other side of the road where she was pointing but didn’t spot anything, and she told me it was a brown animal. Could it be the elusive bear, I wondered? No, when we got closer to it and could both see ... read more
Cliff swallows.
Some boats on Ghost Lake.
Megan in an empty carpark.

North America » Canada June 15th 2023

Today we woke to sound of rain. Once the curtains were open we confirmed that it was definitely raining, and the view of the mountain from our window was cloaked by a layer of grey cloud. We had checked the forecast yesterday so we weren’t surprised, just a bit disappointed that the forecast was correct! We had planned to ‘do’ Lake Louise today, so we did. The lake is about an hour drive along the Trans Canada Highway, and it was unnerving at times with the massive tandem-rigged trucks thundering past in the rain, at speeds exceeding the speed limit, and with the spray from their wheels obscuring vision for a few seconds. What size engine do these things have to pull such huge loads at such speed?! The Bow River flows along beside the highway ... read more
Lake Louise.
The boathouse at Lake Louise.
View from Fairview Lookout.

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff National Park June 13th 2023

We both slept quite well last night, but were woken early by the young child next door. Well, I had woken around 06:00 and was reading quietly, but Susan hadn’t stirred before the crying started around 06:30, and was a bit put out that it wasn’t even 07:00! Anyway, we got a reasonably early start, with yesterday’s blog sorted and granola bars and bananas for breakfast. After filling Megan’s fuel tank, we headed off to Johnston Canyon about 45 minutes away. The day was warm and sunny, and we were dressed in shorts and T-shirts. We paid our park fees as we entered the Banff National Park, and drove past signs warning of wildlife on the road and the risk of avalanches. I doubt much wildlife gets anywhere near the road as it has high wire ... read more
Lower Falls.
Lower Falls.
Cute little ground squirrel :-)

North America » Canada » Alberta » Canmore June 12th 2023

After a lovely dinner, a good sleep and a delicious breakfast, we said cheerio and a massive thank you to Marg and Warren, loaded up Megan and headed south along the road the road back towards Calgary. There was a very faint smell of smoke, in the air, with a slight haze on the distant horizon. Along the road there are a few RV (caravan & camper van) ‘shops’ – one was called RV There Yet– very clever! As we reached the north of Calgary we turned right onto the Trans Canada highway, and soon had the view of the eastern Rockies visible in the distance, shadowy silhouettes behind the grey of the smoke. As we got nearer they mountains became clearer, their craggy peaks towering over the road, some with dots of snow still apparent. ... read more
Rockies in the distance.
Downtown Canmore.
Getting essential stores in.

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary June 11th 2023

Marg offered to take us out to see some beaches within easy access of her house, although she did comment that as it was cool and cloudy it wasn’t really beach weather. We didn’t mind that at all! Susan wanted to cook us a lobster dinner this evening though, so before we went beaching we popped into the local seafood store a few minutes from the house. We asked for 3 live lobsters which would live in the fridge for the next few hours. I thought he’d put 4 in the bag and queried it, but he confirmed after a quick peek that there were indeed 3 lobsters in there. Once they were safely stored Marg drove us over one of the suspension bridges to Dartmouth on the south side of the basin. We then headed ... read more
Failing to find a cache.
A selfie in the drizzle.
Wetlands in the mist.

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Digby June 9th 2023

So the whole point of our outing today was to find somewhere for me to have a dip in the Bay of Fundy (BoF). This has the highest tidal range in the world – up to 16m (52 feet). The Bristol Channel where I live has the second highest tidal range in the world at up to 14m (46 feet). Swimming in the BoF was one of my ‘I’d REALLY like to do this’ things on my trip over the Atlantic. Actually it’s on my bucket list! Marg joined us for the day and after a quick detour to get her new phone we headed off towards Wolfville, a university town about an hour away where we planned to get lunch. We passed signs to Windsor (apparently the birthplace of Hockey) and Chester, drove through some ... read more
Tide coming in.
Susan and Marg demonstrating Muskoka chairs in Digby.

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Peggy's Cove June 9th 2023

For those who haven’t been reading the blogs properly, Gwyn is our car for this part of our adventure. She had a rest yesterday, but today we put my swimming stuff in the boot (trunk) and headed off to Peggy’s Cove, a small rural fishing community on the eastern shore of St Margaret’s Bay, set in a beautiful spot with a lighthouse. The population is around 30 people, but there’s a tourist centre with a massive car park, and plenty of room for the tourist coaches that started arriving shortly after we did. It was a misty and chilly day, with sea fog covering what would have been a beautiful view. I wore a coat for the first time this holiday. Detailed risk assessments have obviously been carried out, and there are notices warning people to ... read more
Muskoka chairs at Peggy's Cove.
Peggy's Cove.
Can you find it??

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax June 7th 2023

After a bit of a lie-in this morning we headed out to Halifax. I persuaded Susan that we really needed to go on the bus, and bless her, she relented. The bus stop was at the bottom of the road we’re staying on, so that bit was easy. The buses in this area don’t take card payments, and thankfully I had some change. It wasn’t until I’d dropped my money into the slot that the driver told me there wouldn’t (couldn’t!) be any change. He got a 60c tip! It took about an hour to get to Downtown Halifax. The journey took us through a couple of suburbs where the population was the most diverse I’ve seen since I’ve been in Canada, both socially and culturally. We exited the bus at the Public Gardens and had ... read more
No title required.
Alice in Wonderland style trees in the public gardens.
I love this!

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