Page 2 of JohnP Travel Blog Posts

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios May 20th 2016

This morning was the first time we were allowed a lie in - we didn't have to get up until 7:00. We headed up river close to Puerto Maldonado to a site illustrating local subsistence farming techniques. The family own 25has and farm 18has on a rotation. I was reminded that most of the nutrient in the rainforest is in the vegetation so that after burning and clearing an area and then planting crops it is left to regenerate. The speed of regeneration is very rapid - we were shown a balsa tree, perhaps 5m high that had grown that high in 3 months. The trees have long horizontal roots because all the nutrient is in the top of the soil. After an introduction to the medicinal properties of local plants and Brazil nuts we took ... read more
Brazil nuts
Small terrapin

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios May 19th 2016

After lunch we headed down river for 25 minutes going past an island in the middle. The river is about 500-700 metres wide and the soft bank sediments are constantly being eroded. We were heading for the original Eco lodge which was established on a small scale in the mid 1970s. Until relatively recently there were just four such lodges, now there are 25. We were headed for an aerial walkway 27 metres up in the air - at the canopy level. 80% of solar radiation is absorbed by the canopy and only 5% reaches the ground. Many small animals live in the canopy where they can avoid their predators. The walkway has been in place for 11 years and the two towers are 30 metres above the ground at either end and the planks are ... read more

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios May 19th 2016

The alarm went off at 5:00 again this morning, breakfast at 5:30 and off at 6:00. Breakfast is just my sort of thing - a chance to select a variety of fresh fruit, pineapple, papaya and water melon with different grains, raisins and this morning dried bananas. The latter were sticky and sweet. A short boat trip took us down river to Tambopata National Reserve. We then walked along a muddy track for about 3km. We passed an entrance hut with a map of nature reserves and national parks in Peru which I felt obliged to take a picture of. We are in the bottom right hand corner. We passed an impressive termite mound and eventually came to a collection of long canoes. The lake is the remnant of an oxbow lake from the main river ... read more
Leaf cutter ants
Termite mound
Tiny bats in a line up a tree

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios May 18th 2016

This morning Martin's alarm went off at 5:40 so we could be ready to leave for the airport an hour later, having eaten breakfast. The area around the airport is less salubrious and the terminal itself modern with a variety of shops. Our plane didn't take off until 9:40 so there was quite a bit of hanging around. Lima Airport is very busy, not so much with international flights, but rather internal flights because the Andes present such a barrier to road transport. We flew to Cuzco first over a barren landscape with snow capped Andes to gaze at. The approach to Cuzco was dramatic - paralleling the runway and then following down a ravine to make a sharp turn left and land. We waited on the plane before taking off again after refuelling for Puerto ... read more
Aerial view of Cuzco
Martin on board river boat
Hacienda Conception

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima May 17th 2016

At 2:00 pm we were collected from the hotel by our tour guide for the afternoon, Miguel, and his driver. We were the only people in the small minibus and had a fascinating insight into Peru past and present. Our first stop was Hunca Huallamarca, a pre-Inca pyramid. It is made of mud bricks (adobe) and has lasted because this coastal part of the country receives virtually no rain. The bodies stored in the pyramid were buried in sacks and rather than mummified dried out. The contest between the pyramid and modern surrounding residential area was startling. From there we went to the cathedral. The two most interesting points were the chapel to Francisco Pizzaro and the cathedral's construction. The substantial pillars are not stone but hollow wooden frames with a very light weight wooden roof ... read more
Pizzaro's tomb in the cathedral

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores May 17th 2016

Slept pretty well after the long flight and indulged in reading a book before breakfast. Like other major cities there are many similarities and it is relatively small things that remind you ar on a different continent and a different city. The state of the buses, the sound of the birds, the luxuriant vegetation and the feral cats sunning themselves in the park. Martin and I walked down to the coast, fringed at this point by cliffs, to watch surfers and admire a wrought iron pier which looked remarkably reminiscent of Brighton or Eastbourne. The Tsunami warning sign was another indication of a different location. A mist hung over the sea and I recalled from geography that the Humboldt Current runs north along the coast giving rise to the Atacama Desert and these persistent sea mists. ... read more
Looking towards pier
Sign at the coast
Martin and feral cats

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores May 17th 2016

It is 9:00pm in Miraflores, a suburb of Lima, and 3:00 am in the UK. We are very close to the coast and will take a look at the Pacific Ocean tomorrow. As we set off on the 6:15 am flight from Norwich to Amsterdam both of us are feeling tired. We arrived in Lima as the sun was setting around 6:00 pm local time. We were met at the airport by a local guide Dewi and her driver and we're then driven through the rush hour to our hotel. After a shower we are now ensconced in the waiting for our complimentary drink - piscosour, a cocktail with pisco and angostura bitters.... read more

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam May 16th 2016

Yesterday, after bell ringing in Reydon, Caroline and I went to Bungay for the annual street market. It is one of my favourite events of the year and usually the opportunity to buy vegetable plants - but this year I resisted the temptation apart from butternut squash and gherkin plants. Caroline managed to pick up several second hand gardening tools - she has a penchant for old forks, spades and hoes. After a walk across the marshes to exercise the dogs we had tea with Natallie and Niall before Caroline dropped me off at William's flat in Norwich. We tested the length of time it takes to walk to the Norwich Airport Terminal - 15 minutes - before a visit to Tescos Express to buy pizza etc. I didn't sleep too well on William's floor and ... read more
Norfolk coast

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Norfolk » Norwich May 12th 2016

I started preparation rather late for my holiday to Peru by walking up and down Gas Hill in Norwich three times. Living in East Anglia is hardly the best preparation for a trip involving lots of steep hills! I have wanted to visit Machu Picchu since I studied the civilisations of the Incas and Aztecs for my A-Level History. At that stage it wasn't so popular or well known. My son Martin and I are travelling with Llama Travel and doing two main things: canoeing in the Amazon and walking the Inca Trail to MC.... read more

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