Page 12 of GeoffandJudy Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Washington » Mt Rainier August 14th 2013

Up early this morning as we wanted to visit Mt Rainier National Park. It is around a 2 hour drive out of Seattle with plenty of stunning scenery along the drive. On the way we checked out crystal mountain resort. Of course no snow there at the moment but it is a picturesque drive and I imagine its is very busy during the ski season. Stopped by at the Silver Creek Guard Station and had a chat with the park ranger. I love chatting to the rangers their lives are so interesting and very basic. I think they know the secret to a happy life - get out of the city and spend your life with nature!! We drove along Mather memorial Parkway looking for spots to get photos of her majesty - Mt Rainier. There ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle August 13th 2013

Off on the metro to downtown early this morning. Our mission was to get to Smith Tower early which we managed to accomplish. We were the first group of visitors up in the manually operated elevator for the day. Smith tower was built in 1914 and is 42 stories high although the elevator only goes to the 35th floor. The buildIng is office space these days but the foyer and the observation deck are very nostalgic. Cost is only $7.50 for the ride up. It was a good clear sunny morning so we got plenty of great shots. Next we walked along the waterfront on our way back to Pine Street to catch the monorail to Seattle Centre. The monorail is $4.50 for the round trip and only takes a couple of minutes to reach Seattle ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle August 12th 2013

Change of plans for the day. The innkeeper gave us a map with suggestions of places to go and see some of the countryside so we decided that was what we would do today. First stop some shopping for a few more clothes at our favourite stores - TJ Max and Marshalls. Always get great designer label bargains in these stores. Then we picked up lunch at the local Safeway supermarket. It's a great way to save a few dollars and quite frankly Geoff and I don't really want to eat too much fast food so soup and salad rolls is a great option. The area around Snohomish is a beautiful drive. Lots of farmland and huge mountains in the background. The scenery was spectacular. Found a lovely quiet park called "Kla Ha Ya" park to ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle August 11th 2013

Up early again today as we we're going to a tour of the Boeing Factory in Everett - about a 40 minute drive from where we are staying. The factory is so huge is difficult to put into prospective but the guide told us that 7 Taj Mahals could fit inside the factory, or the whole of Disneyland with a 12 acre parking lot would be equal to the size of Boeing so that gives you an idea of the magnitude of the place. The tour is 90 minutes long and you get a bus to different parts of the factory to see the workings of the place. Boeing employs 42,000 staff at the plant. It is virtually a city within a city and has its own fire brigade, air strip, control tower, restaurants, coffee shops, ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle August 10th 2013

Early start to day as we need to meet our tour guide at 9am for our Free walking tour. We went downtown via bus again. It is a easy ride and tickets are only $2.25 and we got off right outside Pikes Market Place. The harbour is very picturesque and is a hub of activity. Met Molly the tour guide and went for an informative tour of the famous Pikes Market Place. Lucky we got here early as the place is packed by 9.30am. We tried free samples of food from vendors - had the best smocked salmon ever and watched the world famous fish vendors throwing fish! Truly a sight to see! The stalls selling fresh flowers were just amazing. Flowers were so very fresh - bees buzzing around collecting the pollen. Checked out the ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle August 9th 2013

Well we have arrived at our first destination after a 12 hour flight from Brisbane to LAX, then 3.5 hour stopover before boarding an air alaska flight to Seattle. The flight from Brisbane went smooth although it is always way too long for those of us sitting in economy. Food and service is great on Virgin Australia. Today we experienced what american folks call normal when boarding a domestic flight in the USA. It is a long process to get through all the security checks and I am grateful to be living in Australia where the threat of terrorism is not near as bad as over here. Having said that I am also grateful that the border security are doing their utmost to keep everyone safe! The flight from LAX to Seattle was just over 2 ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska August 9th 2013

Well the big day has finally arrived.lsat night was busy with final preparations being completed. Don't think either Geoff or myself slept too well..the anticipation of this becoming a reality was simply to much to absorb...early start today finally finished checking in, customs and security with 1/2 hour to spare..purchased an online ticket for Saturday night 20 million gold lotto - may well need it after we get home from this adventure. Next stop LAX before transferring flights to Seattle. Guess we will be exhausted and excited once we land in Seattle.... read more

North America » United States » Alaska August 3rd 2013

Well, just a few days to go now. Last minute itinerary changes and a few shifts left at work. Flying out with V Australia Friday morning 11.15am land in LAX then a flight with Air Alaska to Seattle for six days before cruising up to Seward.. Will keep you posted Geoff and Judy... read more

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