Page 24 of D MJ Binkley Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane October 29th 2007

Laos is Lovely!!! We’ve had wonderful time in Laos and we were fortunate as we spent our time in Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng and Vientiane. It is a marvelously beautiful nation whose people are quite friendly. We arrived in Luang Prabang from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Originally we had considered taking a 6 hour bus trip to the Laos border, and then a two day boat ride down the Mekong River for the adventure. It sounded quaintly adventurous and we thought that it would be a great experience. We changed our mind and flew into Laos and it appears that we made a very good decision. We were at a travel agent’s office and overheard a conversation from some people who did that and they said it was horrible. The trip was on a longboat and the ... read more
Luang Prabang
Farming along the Nam Khan River
Luang Prabang National Museum

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai October 22nd 2007

Welcome to Chiang Mai. We’ve been to several countries and traveled many miles. We decided that we needed a rest so we decided to hang out in Chiang Mai for 10 days. This turned out to be a great decision as this town is laid back. There are not a many vendors coming at you selling their wares. We traveled on an overnight train for 14 hours north from Bangkok. It’s really not that far from Chiang Mai from Bangkok but the train moves slowly and stops along the way to pick up passengers. We experienced a sleeper berth which had it had its pluses and minuses. Chiang Mai is in the Northern part of the country and near the mountains. Yes, that means it is much cooler here. We are now experiencing temperatures in the ... read more
Long Neck Tribe
Hill People
Hill People

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Kanchanaburi October 13th 2007

After 5 days in a city the size of Bangkok, we realized that we needed a change, so we set our sights on a smaller place and had hopped on the train and headed for Kanchanubar (70 miles west of Bangkok). We were without internet for a few days and hope that you don’t mind receiving two blogs close together. We both enjoy train travel and unlike the United States, there are many trains here in Asia. In Thailand they have 1st, 2nd and sod 3rd class train travel. The particular train that we needed to take to Kanchanubari only offered 3rd class travel. Our car offered wooden seats with all tall back similar to a church pew. We were hoping for air conditioning and we were disappointed…. we had open windows and ceiling fans!! Actually ... read more
River Kwai
Along the train tracks

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 11th 2007

Hi Everyone! Thanks for all of your e-mails. Being this far from home it is really good to make connections with friends and family. We love hearing what is going on in your life also. We are glad to hear that you are following along on our travels and we thank you for your suggestions for the blog. We left the country (Seattle) September 16th and we are beginning to get our travel legs. There is a rhythm to long term travel and we are starting to get it figured out. Each morning you wake and ask yourself, where am I? Even if you’ve been in the same country for a little while it can seem a little disorienting in the morning. We’ve learning to deal with languages, religions, beliefs, customs and traffic. Women in Asia ... read more
Gold Buddha
Reclining Buddha
Hotel Entertainment

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park October 3rd 2007

We intended to send this blog from Myanmar. We had gotten up that morning, and even had a taxi lined up to go to the airport. Our flight was scheduled at 10:00 AM. We were sitting in our room watching the BBC, and saw that the situation in Myanmar was deteriorating by the day. 9 were dead, many Monks had been taken from the temples in the night and beaten and jailed, 6 PM curfews had been set, the government shut down the internet, and the 5 main temples in Yangon had been shut down. For those wanting a little background, the ruling junta in Myanmar raised fuel prices without notification in August. In a country as poor as Myanmar, this was met with anger. Last week the Monks in Myanmar were staging a peaceful protest ... read more
Covered Long Boat
Our chalet
Dave and Merry Jo

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur September 27th 2007

Welcome to Kuala Lumpur, often referred to as KL. KL is the capital city of Peninsular Malaysia. This city of 1.4 million residents is very cosmopolitan. There are many tall and beautifully-designed buildings that catch the eye. We’ll tell you more about the city a little later. From what we have seen Malaysia is a beautiful country but we made a choice to stay in the city of Kuala Lumpur instead of going off to see the other sites. We needed to do some laundry, get caught up on e-mail and apply for a visa to Myanmar, so we needed to stay in the city for a couple of days. The airport is over 70km ( 44 miles) from the city, and along the way we saw acre upon acre of palm trees that yield palm ... read more
Kuala Lumpur Tower
Petronas Twin Towers
Pacific Regency Hotel

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan September 24th 2007

Where the heck is Brunei? Grab your atlas and find Borneo. It is a small country attached to Borneo. As it turns out that when traveling in Asia all roads more than likely lead to Kuala Lumpur which is in Malaysia. This is because it is a major airport hub in Southeast Asia, kind of like Atlanta in the U.S. We left Singapore for a 50 minute flight to Kuala Lumpur with a short lay over and then a 2 hour and 20 minute flight to Brunei. It’s all about perspective because the flight actually seemed short after our last one and we barely had time for a nap! The main reason we are in Brunei is because of a news story done a few years back on 60 minutes. We were intrigued by this tiny ... read more
Jame' Asr Hassanai Bolkiah Mosque
Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque
Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Asia » Singapore September 22nd 2007

Greetings to everyone from beautiful Singapore! After spending the better part of 24 hours traveling to Singapore via Tokyo, we arrived tired but eager to start our new adventures here on the other side of the planet. We were pleased to find that the flight from Seattle to Japan was only 10 hours, as we thought it was 12 and only another 6 ½ to Singapore. And we were not disappointed! Singapore is a wonderfully enchanting and diverse place. It is actually a city and a country all rolled up into one. More on that later. The people of Singapore come from many cultures and have worked hard to understand each others cultures and differences which have created a symbiotic atmosphere. School age children take field trips to other temples and mosques to better understand all ... read more
Orchard Road
Contrast of old and new architecture
View from the Singapore River

Asia September 14th 2007

Would you like to purchase an “Around the World Airline Ticket? When I was doing research before purchasing our tickets I talked with United, Northwest and Continental Airlines. In addition, I spoke to a couple of airline consolidators. What I learned about consolidators is that you can buy your tickets with them and save a good bit of money but you don’t have any flexibility and changes are very difficult. We were looking for tickets that would give us some flexibility if we wanted to make changes. One of them was offering a charter trip. You had to go where they were going and when they were going. We ended up going with Northwest Airlines because they offered us what we needed and their Around the World Travel staff was so nice and they made valuable ... read more
Don't be on!

North America » United States » Ohio September 8th 2007

If you have any friends that might like to receive our travel blog and follow along on our travels all you need to do is forward them the blog. They can scroll down and fill out the subscribe section on the bottom right. Once they have completed that they will receive our entries as we update our blog. Or you can send them the following link and they can sign up. Ohio to Seattle We are back on the road again and having a wonderful time. We seem to excel at road trips!! On August 17th, we re-loaded the car and headed south, this time bound for the Panhandle of Florida and Fort Walton Beach. Almost fourteen years ago we worked in Fort Walton Beach, Florida as traveling nurses and so we headed to back ... read more
Tubing on the San Marcos River in Texas
MJ enjoying the pool.
Dave dancing in the desert

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