Page 7 of Cho45 Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Nepal » Bhaktapur June 11th 2014

On the third day of our Nepal sojourn, our new friend San came to fetch us at our hotel, and we went in his car to travel to Bhaktapur. The journey normally takes less than an hour, but San drove at a leisurely pace to give us the opportunity to see the countryside, saying he would stop at a couple of places on the way back. The town of Bhaktapur itself is an old imperial city full of interesting sights, and Durbar Square is situated just outside the town (Nepal has 3 Durbar Squares, the other two being in Kathmandu and Patan). And so Durbar Square is where we went first. The entrance fee was US$10 for all foreigners, except citizens of certain east Asian countries. I thought this was a little unfair, but this is ... read more
Bhaktapur 14 Oct 10 2
Bhaktapur 14 Oct 10 3
Bhaktapur 14 Oct 10 4

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu June 11th 2014

We arrived at Kathmandu International airport late afternoon from Dhaka, Bangladesh by United Airways (not to be confused with United Airlines of the United States). Checking through Immigration and Customs was reasonably easy and quick as there were not that many arriving passengers at that time; I think our flight was the only one. However, when we stepped out of the airport, I noticed that there were a good number of people, either waiting for passengers from our flight, or the next one coming in. I looked around for a taxi to take us into town. I didn't have long to wait. A man approached me and asked if I wanted a taxi. When I asked him how much to the city, he said, "500 Rupees," I made a quick calculation and it amounted to only ... read more
Kathmandu 13 Oct 10 4
Kathmandu 13 Oct 10 5
Kathmandu 2

Asia » Burma » Western Burma June 11th 2014

We were there some years ago when it was not very well known to foreign tourists, and only the locals were there with the exception of one lone Frenchman. Chaungtha is probably one of my favorite beaches among many which I have been to around the world. The name 'Chaungtha' in English means pleasant stream. Well, it really is pleasant, but certainly not a stream by any means. Chaungtha is a long stretch of fine beach situated on the Bay of Bengal, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) from the city of Bassein or Pathein as it is called now. Actually, this beach is named for the village nearby. Accordingly, it is more commonly known as Chaungtha Beach to separate it from the village. More about Chaungtha village later in this article. We hired a private car ... read more
Chaungtha 1
Chaungtha 2
Chaungtha 3

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region June 10th 2014

As Rudyard Kipling the famous English author and poet described a long time ago, Burma (now called Myanmar) is a "Land like no other," the Shwedagon pagoda in the former capital of Yangon is truly an architectural wonder like no other temple. Built 2,500 years ago on a hill, it is the country's most sacred and revered place of worship. The hill where the pagoda is situated lies 190 feet or 58 meters above sea level, so this glittering landmark can be seen from nearly every part of Yangon city. Having lived in Yangon for half of my life (and on many subsequent visits), I of course have been there numerous times, but I am always spellbound by the majestic splendor of this huge place. A beautiful building or structure can move a person, but a ... read more
Shwedagon 2
Shwedagon 3
Shwedagon 4

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region June 9th 2014

I have taken this trip several times. My main destination was Ye-Le Phaya or 'pagoda in the middle the river.' It is located in the small town of Kyauktan in Thanlyin (pronounced Ta-nyin) township. Thanlyin was formerly known as Syriam which was an important port city in the 17th century. However, most tourists are not familiar with this place as it is not included among the main tourist attractions of Myanmar. Therefore, if you want to avoid the usual tourist trail, do make this one day tour by car. You won't be disappointed. I believe you can go by bus, but as I've never taken the bus route I suggest you hire a car like we did one time. The other two times my friend took us in his car. From Yangon you cross the Yangon ... read more
Myanmar Oct 2008 007
Myanmar Oct 2008 008
Myanmar Oct 2008 009

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon May 30th 2014

I was born in this city which was then known as Rangoon and lived there for 32 years. Since then I have lived abroad in several different countries, but still consider Rangoon to be my hometown. It is now officially known as Yangon, meaning "end of strife." Actually, Yangon is the original name in Burmese. When the country became a British colony the British rulers anglicized it to Rangoon, although the people always referred to it by its original name. When I was growing up in Rangoon, the population of the city was barely half a million. We were always proud to proclaim that Rangoon was a big city with a small town flavor. Now the population has grown to five million inhabitants, and unfortunately, the city has lost most of its old charm with daily ... read more

Asia » Burma May 30th 2014

I was born in Rangoon/Yangon and spent half of my life there before leaving the country in 1978. However, since 1987 I have been back there many times on regular visits. This blog is a recollection of the years I spent in Myanmar and of my trips there. MINGALAR PAR...., Auspicious greetings from the land of pagodas (this is the standard form of greeting when people meet each other in Myanmar) First and foremost, my fondest memories of Myanmar are of travels around the country, the beautiful scenery in the rural areas, the unspoilt beaches and the genuine warmth of the people. Last but not least, the great Shwedagon pagoda in Rangoon which should be listed as the 8th wonder of the world. I am still mesmerized by this centuries old pagoda every time ... read more
Welcome to Myanmar

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