Page 3 of Carolehowson Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 30th 2017

Tuesday Our last day here and we boarded the longtail boat at 7.0 to go hunt wild elephants. There is an old elephant that lives alone in a particular area and we went to see if we could find him. We sat in the boat listening and then heard a crashing sound coming through the trees. We listened for a long time hearing him treading down the bamboo breaking it and chewing on it. The elephant was definitely there and finally George did get a glimpse of him. At least me and the kids heard him which we loved. We went back to the floating huts and we went out in the kayaks again to the rope swing and played for a while. The kids had such fun. Then lunch and time to sadly leave and ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 28th 2017

Monday We set off early for a five hour longtail boat trip deeper into the rain forest. Apart from a shower the weather was good. We saw so much wild life. Macaque monkeys long tail and short tail, hornbills, eagles, langurs monkeys, several groups of deer and an enormous bison. We stopped off at some huts where the park rangers and their wives live miles into the rain forest. They had a shop there for supplies and a lot of beer. Tied to their dock were two enormous cat fish alive and breathing soon to go to market. We had a great morning. In the afternoon the others went kayaking again and they found a long rope tied to a tree which they had great fun swinging out into the water from. They met a boy ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 27th 2017

Sunday It rained heavily all night and we were up at 7.0 and went to breakfast in our water proofs ( I knew they would come in handy at some point) Then we set off again in the mini bus for the hour drive to Lake Chiew- Larn. We left our cases in the tour operators office and our guide Sam showed us to our longtail boat with driver M. The monsoon started again and was torrential for nearly the whole hour long boat ride all the way into the lake to Phuphawaree Floating Raft Huts. In spite of wearing our water proofs we still got rather wet and we were pleased to arrive. I was thrilled when we were shown to our huts and they were really civilized with our own cold water shower rooms ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 26th 2017

Saturday We had breakfast in the restaurant next to the river and then went, in the mini bus, to Sonchana Farm and Elephant Sanctuary. It was such an intimate experience. The four of us were met by the farmer Soncha who was growing rubber trees, sugar cane, pineapples, bananas, and papayas. We walked through his farm, crossing little streams with planks of wood as bridges, looking at his plants. But the star of the day, or maybe even the trip, was Samboon a fifty five year old elephant with one tusk. He had been rescued by the farmers father who bought him three years ago when the elephant could no longer work. Somboon is partially blind and was injured badly and had to go the elephant hospital. Now he lives a happy life on the farm. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 25th 2017

Last night, when going to bed, Mollie and I had a fight with the mossie net. It had fallen down on us and we struggled a bit to tie it up again with some string I had in my bag (for ever Mary Poppins) We were up at 4.15 ugh. The boys found a huntsman spider in their kettle, thought it was dead so, put it down the toilet but it crawled up again. That put George off his coffee! Mollie was on her phone as usual while we were trying to get out of the door In the dark we climbed the 100 plus steps to the reception and a young man, who didn't look strong enough, carried up our bags. The resort gave us packed breakfast (we hoped it wasn't curry) We rumbled up ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao August 24th 2017

We have had such a great time on this beautiful island. The others swam with the sharks again this morning, the boys for over two hours. We swam in the pool and messed about on the beach. Then we packed our bags because tomorrow morning we leave here at 5.0am to catch the ferry to Don Sak. This afternoon the the weather changed. It is windy, the sea is rough and we have had a few spots of rain. We are hoping our ferry won't be cancelled because of rough seas. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao August 23rd 2017

George and Sam had the closest encounter with the sharks early this morning. Georgie said it's the first time he felt nervous as one of them was circling him. They hope to have some good photos. After breakfast we got a ride to the pier in town and hired a longtail boat and went right round the island. We had was such a fabulous day. The sea was rough for the first part and we got very wet indeed. We arrived at a group of three small islands that were so idealic except there were so my tourist there and it seemed they were all wearing orange life jackets. Most if them I think were Chinese. We walked along a spit of sand that joined two of the island and there were rows of deck chairs ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao August 22nd 2017

I hardly dare whisper this but the weather is perfect. Monsoon! What monsoon? Early this morning the others were out looking for sharks and I sat on the veranda with my pot if tea. Mollie came back after about an hour and said "I think that's enough swimming with sharks for now". We did laugh - how blase is that? We've had another lovely day pottering about swimming etc Included here some screen shots from the go pro ... read more
IMG_6804 Infinity pool

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao August 21st 2017

This morning I woke very early and the cove was mine. From the veranda I watched as, slowly, people came down to the beach for an early morning snorkel. There are never many people on the beach. The sea has white horses today but our little cove is quite calm. The boys went snorkeling early and came back thrilled to the core saying they had been surrounded by black tip sharks, the biggest one about 5 1/2 ft. They woke Mollie and went again and saw more sharks but not as many. I'm so pleased for them. After breakfast we went into town for supplies. It was to hot to spend too much time looking around so we came back and went to the other side of the peninsular to snorkel. It was so lovely and ... read more
IMG_6797 A Black Tip Shark
IMG_6577 Sam with early morning cupper

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao August 20th 2017

Today I overcame my sea phobia and went snorkeling with the others. So many different colored fish and only a couple of feet from the shore. As we swam further out it was sad to see all the broken coral that had obviously been trampled on by us humans. This cove is quite shallow. George and the kids went snorkeling on the other side of our little peninsular and said that though it's a bit of a climb down to the water it is much deeper so the coral is still beautiful. I'll go there next time and see it Later in the day the three came back from a long snorkeling session and told me how they had seen a black tip shark and they had followed a turtle for about half an hour. They ... read more
IMG_6350 Washing sand off feet

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