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Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Kanchanaburi
November 15th 2017
Published: November 17th 2017
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Hi! Time to tell you about Kanchanaburi. K is a largish city west of Bangkok. Highlights here, are the Erewan falls, The bridge over the river Kwai (including relevant sites and museums) and a few temples and other musea. As I had some time to kill, waiting for you passport to arrive, I did them all. Let's start with that final thing, my passport.. It arrived in the mail, today! That was a relief 😊 Still, one can do a lot without a passport 😊 I was even able to rent a scooter with my passport copy, after trying a few shops.

Met some cool people as well - Thanks for the good times, Claire, Florance, Rebecca, Judith, Simon, Yurena and British-guy-who-has-been-here-before-and-knows-about-tigers-and-languages.

Our hostel is very close to the night market,so it was easy to get good streetfood everyday. I realize I haven't said much about that yet -- here in Thailand, it is .. A bit hot, during the day (an estimated 34 today :X), so thats not a good/comfortable time to go out. The Thai people found a solution after sundown. (roughly at six): night markets. You can buy basically anything at the hundreds of stalls that pop up every night. Usually, they're at the same place every time. Apart from clothing, there's also food. Barbecued meat, Pad Thai (a westernized Thai plate), really spicy curries, things with soup, rice pancakes, fresh fruits, pancakes, crepes, sushi, and more. It is a delight to walk the stalls every night in search of something new, special, interesting or good. My intestines seem to handle the local stuff pretty well and despite the fact that the fruit smoothie-mixers are cleaned in between, by rinsing them in a bucket of tap water, I've drank one everyday without much trouble..

Anyway, I've got some posts lined up by now, but I should rotate and caption photos first. Tomorrow 😊

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