Travel Day 17 / Training Day 13

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March 26th 2024
Published: March 26th 2024
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Tuesday’s nearly gone with the wind. Heading out for some shopping for gifts for the gym. Finally had a little time between sessions although the time goes fast. Up early today and feeling rested. Lots of things to get done in these next 3 days. Because I was so tired from the training yesterday, I didn’t get out for much shopping. Tomorrow afternoon I will head back to Terminal 21 and see what else is available on the streets.

This morning I did a good stretch. That seems to help ease any running issues, and that was true again today. I arrived at the gym and started my run feeling good. It’s an 8 lap morning and had no cramps or any problems all the way through. I decided to do a sprint down the alley, a little more than 1/2 the distance. I repeated that sprint on the way back to the gym also. A good start to the morning. Jump rope was about 90 seconds at a time with a 10-15 second break for something over 15 minutes. The gym was light again this morning, with 4 training. That got me into pad work quickly. Only a short round and a half on the bag before hitting the pads. The first pad round was pretty strong but the heat and humidity is really building. That made the left speed kicks really hard to finish. Round 2 started of with longer combinations of punches, kicks, needs and elbows. As I got close for the elbows, Fahlaep would throw punches to make sure I was covering my head. We then started into some little sparring where he was clinching and I was kneeing. Exhausting. At the end of the round, it was speed right kicks. I got through most of those, but as I slowed near the very end he switched up and wanted power punches, knees, and elbows to finish. My favorite round 3 was not multiples of anything, but it was sparring/clinching. Ooof. That round wore me out because there was no stopping. And to finish that round, it was power left and right kicks. Seems I wasn’t going fast enough, because I almost immediately was hearing “quickly quickly” But there was still round 4 to go. The pads were set for mostly hand work, and the elbows were never far from being needed. He kept getting me in close so that I would transition from punches to elbows. And of course clinches, which ended with me sprawled out on the canvas. A couple rounds of teeps, knees and kicks on the heavy bag were followed by sit-ups and weights, just to round out the morning. Left about 9:50 and was picked up on the round out by Fahlaep and dropped off at the BTS. That saved my tired feet and legs.

After everyone was done with their workout and covered in sweat, looking nearly dead, Fahlaep said something like “Very hot, Thailand Win!” He was soooo right. Now it’s time to pack up and go back to the PRIMO supply store, which is on the way to the gym.

This store was much easier to find this time. Got off at the right BTS stop and remembered the alley to take, and I was there in about 10 minutes. Easy off and back on to the gym. Made it to the gym just in time to start running and almost right away started sweating. The afternoon heat is tough, but somehow there was a headwind in both directions. Doesn’t seem possible, but it was, and it helped a little. I stuck with the 6 laps in the afternoon, and had to fight off a huge hip pain near the end of lap 4. A short walk and quick stretch and it felt ok to start again. No problem, so I finished the last two laps then drank my entire bottle of water. I did a cool down round of jumprope for about 10 minutes, with 2 minutes on and then about 15 seconds off. Today I jumped with shoes off, so of course I caught my toes about 4 times. I got a couple warmup rounds in on the bag before it was my turn on the pads. Feeling a little tired before I started, but once the pads were moving, my energy picked up quickly. Had a good first round and finished with speed left kicks for 30 seconds. Surprised myself by making it through without stopping. I was feeling it though. Second round was longer combination sequences with many, many knees. The finisher on this round was speed right kicks, eventhough I tried to convince him there were other options. Third round today didn’t have as many multiples, although I would have traded them for the 30 seconds of kicking. There were 10 teeps, each side, and knees from clinches, until I broke out of the clinch. Also plenty of elbows, being in that close. At the end of the round, it was alternating left/right power kicks. Round 4 was the same focus on hands and elbows, but the number were increased with less rest between them. This round finished with 30 seconds of body punches to Fahlaep and his belly pad. No matter how hard or fast I punched, he kept telling me after and harder. Once again today, I was wiped out. After a small break, I worked the heavy bag for a couple rounds trying to finish 100 teeps and 100 knees. My feet were a bit sore from all the previous kicking, so I skipped the kicks on the bag. More water and a cool down and packed to go to hotel. I was surprised that on the walk to the BTS, there was actually a cool breeze blowing. I don’t think I’ve ever used the word “cool“ to describe anything temperature related here ever before. I enjoyed it and the air conditioned BTS. Dinner tonight was at Limoncello, just down the street from the hotel. Last time I was here I was about the only one here, but tonight, this place is packed. Food was really good, and now I’m ready to get back to my room and take my shoes off and rest my feet. No pictures today, but maybe tomorrow I’ll add some from previous days.


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