Gateway to the Himalayan Heavens

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October 11th 2012
Published: October 13th 2012
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Mt. EverestMt. EverestMt. Everest

29,000 feet and then some. Enough said.
It doesn’t always turn out the way you plan it. Sometimes you learn to just roll with it despite the obstacles you face. Our time in Pokhara turned out to be a bit different than expected. Okay, maybe more so.

We left the mountains of Tanzen and headed towards the more mountainous enclave of Pokhara. At this point, it would be great to regale you with some fabulous tale, but the short of it is that about an hour short of our destination, we stopped for a biologic break. The facilities were located several steps down, and Dave slipped on some water and his feet flew out from under him. He slammed his left shoulder into a cement wall, which resulted in a nasty abrasion and his full weight came slamming down on a cement step on his lower back. Thankful he was not bleeding, dead or paralyzed we continued on.

Within a short period of time Dave was pretty miserable and sore. We will spare you additional details but this event altered our plans in Pokhara where we were supposed to hike two of the days we were in town. The universe had a new plan.

Dave was moving at an extremely slow pace but he is healing. Now that is saying something, seeing as how he moves pretty slow on an average basis. So picture him just kind of moseying along and you get the picture.

We like Pokhara and enjoyed our days here. It has a good energy about it. We ended up having more down time than expected but things happen for a reason. Pokhara is a town of 250,000 people. Pokhara is the Queenstown of Nepal in that you can go rafting whitewater, hang- glading, fly in ultra-light vehicles and it is the gateway for trekking the Annapurna Mountain range.

We enjoyed talking with locals and travelers coming back from treks. We ran into a couple of German girls who were making the circuit around Poon Hill. They said it was described as a moderate hike but it just about killed them. Instead of doing the complete circle they cut the hike short, went to the top and came back down. They said their legs still hurt and they have to go back to work next week. These girls were in their twenties, and were complaining, so imagine what it would be like for the older crowd.

When considering hiking in Nepal remember that Nepal has 8 of the 10 highest mountain peaks in the WORLD so….a moderate hike…….is a relative term perhaps to the locals, but this could be substantially more to flatlanders. Trekking is a big business here, as it should be. When you’ve got this kind of scenery, it makes perfect sense to want to have a good look at it.

Given Dave’s condition, we modified our itinerary. One of the things we ended up doing twice was a drive and short walk up to the view at Sarangkot. This vantage point allowed a glimpse of an amazing mountain range that surrounds this part of the world. We were fortunate that our weather was good. It’s one of those places where they get you up there for sunrise, but we found the view at about 9 o’clock was quite nice. As the day lengthens, the clouds obscure the view, but we got to see some serious beauty in our time there. It is one of those places that you could just pull up a chair and stare at for hours, drinking in the changing views.

In Pokhara, we were able to go to Davis Falls but passed on the caves in town as too many stairs were required, and it was also dark and wet. No repeats of days past for Dave. This was not a path we were willing to travel given recent events. The falls are somewhat unique in that they actually feed an underground stream when they are done flowing through the rocks.

We looked at a couple of temples in town, visited the World Peace Pagoda (another great view of the mountains here) and enjoyed a boat ride on the Fewa River. This little boat ride was very serene and peaceful. There are only row boats on the lake, so none of the noise associated with most lakes was present (read jet skis and power boats). We also spent a good bit of time on a mountaintop watching the hang-gliders take off. We caught some great video. It was fun watching everyone have so much fun. Hopefully, our photos will tell the real story.

Our first day in Nepal, we read where a plane crashed and killed 11 people. This provides a very somber moment. These people were here

And mystical....all rolled up into one beautiful view.
to trek the mountains, but a bird flew into one of their engines shortly after take-off, dooming the flight. An ex-pat acquaintance who lives in Kathmandu part of the year told us 200 people a year die in plane crashes. That gives one moment to pause seeing as how we have a flight planned over Mt. Everest.

Several thoughts pass through your mind as one ponders this new information and a coping mechanism is to rationalize that statistically our odds of survival have just increased. At least that what we were telling ourselves.

Since you are reading this blog and looking at our photos of Mt. Everest you may have surmised that we indeed survived our flight. We took an hour flight that got us quite close to the highest peak on earth. We were cruising at an altitude of about 21,000 feet, yet it was somewhat odd that the mountains were right next to us. That’s one of the great beauties of the moment. This isn’t something you get to experience everyday. The peaks were magnificent to say the least. You just feel like you’re on top of the world and just drink it in.

Great day on the lakeGreat day on the lakeGreat day on the lake

Pokhara, Nepal
cool thing about this flight was they gave everyone a window seat and each person was allowed in the cockpit to take photos. It was grand!

You have not seen many food photos recently because the food of Nepal has been a disappointment. Very mediocre. If you don’t want local Nepali food there is plenty of Italian, Indian and Chinese food available but none of it is great. It’s not like the great food we had in Vietnam and Bali. Not everyone can create wonderful national dishes and that’s okay. It is the mountains that draw many to the wonders that are Nepal.

MJ got a hair cut for $4.

Place we stayed:

Mt. Kailash Resort

Additional photos below
Photos: 39, Displayed: 26


Colorful BoatsColorful Boats
Colorful Boats

a ride on the Fewa Lake, Pokhara
Listen up, get readyListen up, get ready
Listen up, get ready

no fooling around
ok, one moreok, one more
ok, one more

jump now

9 mountains in the Annapurna Range
Brutus in the cockpitBrutus in the cockpit
Brutus in the cockpit

Flying around Everest!
Up closeUp close
Up close


13th October 2012

Sorry to hear of Daves fall, glad he is ok but OMG YOU SAW EVEREST!!!! Thanks for taking the pics, inspiring :)
13th October 2012

Bangs and Bruises
Yes, it took a tumble and I'm glad he survived. It was awful. The mother mountain was AMAZING.....and cool that they let us in the cockpit.
13th October 2012

Amazing mountain pictures!
We hope Dave is feeling better after his fall...but on the bright side at least nothing was broken and he is healing! Take care x
13th October 2012

Thanks for the kind words
He is healing and this is a great place to do it in....serenity now. He is indeed on the mend.
13th October 2012

so sorry
I'm so sorry about Dave's fall and thankful nothing was broken or damaged seriously. I know you hate that you missed doing some of the things you planned, but sounds like plan B was pretty amazing, too. Hope Dave is soon back to normal and that you both get a little rest while he's recovering. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures. Being there must be almost like being in heaven.
14th October 2012

Plan B was just fine.
My heart stopped when he fell. We loved looking at these amazing mountains. Nature at its best. An stunning country.
13th October 2012

Beautiful Pics :)
I do hope Dave is ok. I'm sure after a few beers he will feel a whole lot better ;) Pokhara is wonderful isn't it. There is a unique, relaxed, laid back vibe to this place that you can only appreciate by actually being there. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the mountains in their resplendent glory as you did, but at least I can re-live the experience, vicariously, through your wonderful pictures :) Thanks guys!
14th October 2012

Living vicariously
Yes,Dave is doing better. The beer help potentiate the drugs I was giving him. Being good nurses we brought some serious pain meds ...just in case. Didn't expect to use them. Indeed the mountains were amazing...and looking at them for hours on end was enough.
13th October 2012

Speedy recovery
I'm sorry to hear of Dave's accident, but glad to read that he's on the mend. I spent several days in pokhara at the end of a long trek in Nepal many years ago, so I know that there are worse places to have to park up for a few days. However it's never nice to be unwell and away from sending my best wishes. I am very envious about your Everest trip, wow, amazing!!
14th October 2012

Glad you were able to complete your hike
The important thing is we are doing well and were still able to appreciate the area. As you say it is a good place to hang out and recover. Thanks for the well wishes.
13th October 2012

Wow, great pictures. Awesome scenery. Glad to hear Dave is mending. Y'all be careful! Marsha
14th October 2012

Thanks Marsha
We are being ultra careful. Getting better each day. We brought some good meds with us for such occasions ....hoping not to need them.
13th October 2012

Another great blog
Good to hear there's nothing broken and you're on the mend, Dave. You're giving us too many ideas - and we're looking forward to the rest of your itinerary. Take care as you travel, there is still much to do! David
14th October 2012

Hello David and Janice,
The is so much to do here you will find plenty. Lot of temples, shrines and stupas to keep you busy for a few weeks. Our Kathmandu blog will be next so hang with us. I'm sure your time here will be grand.
13th October 2012

From Kangaroojack
Hi Dave and MJ, Sorry to here about the shoulder, great pictures, loved sky full. Safer Travels. Kangaroojack (Kj)
14th October 2012

Safe travels
Thanks for the concern and well wishes. Dave is doing much better. Slower recovery as we age. The sky full was amazing.
13th October 2012

A haircut?
I bet you didn't go short! (Don't) LOL! breathtaking pictures! don't know if I would try the yak cheese balls- what did they taste like?
14th October 2012

YAK cheese
I assume they make the cheese from the milk of the YAK. It tasted like most fried cheese. No worries. Glad you enjoyed the photos. All is well.
14th October 2012

So sorry to hear of Dave's accident. It is the thing I fear most when climbing over ruins and rough terrain. I hope he is feeling better. Carolyn
14th October 2012

Unsteady on our feet
Falling is a realistic fear as we grow a bit older. Nothing of value in any of these countries is on level ground. It's either up a mountain, hill or down in a valley. We will continue to move slowly.
14th October 2012

Statistically speaking...
I like your rationale of your odds of not crashing getting better! I think I will use that one :) Fantastic photos - I wonder what the pilots thought of Brutus sitting on their panels. Hope Dave is better.
14th October 2012

Rationalization is the key
Whatever you need to tell yourself to stay calm is all that is important. The flight was amazing and they loved Brutus...they were laughing. Dave is improving.
14th October 2012

Stunning photos
it is not good when you get those reminders about how well gravity works. Glad to hear you are on the mend Dave. It is amazing how when you get injured or sick you find yourself in a great town to relax and repair. Bloody amazing photos of the Himalayas, we were lucky to see Everest on a flight in India but no where as close as you guys got...just incredible. Keep up the great blogging, travel safe and stop skating on slippery surfaces. ps. Love the shot of the bride as well
15th October 2012

Gravity is a wicked mistress at times
It was amazing to be so close to Everest. Breathtaking! As you say Pokhara was a great place to recover. Thanks for reading along.
15th October 2012
Mt. Everest

This is the clearest image of Mt Everest I've ever seen - congratulations on such a superb photo!
15th October 2012
Mt. Everest

Thanks Shane
It was taken from the cockpit. We were surprised how close they flew.....and very surprised they let us in the cockpit.
15th October 2012

Great pics as usual. Glad to hear Dave's improving....sounds like a nasty fall. Lucky no broken bones!! Walk carefully. Your description of some of the mountain roads and pics of busses in distress reminds me of our Vietnam-Laos back roads trip....and we were IN a bus, but fortunately our stayed on the road :-)
16th October 2012

Asian roads
We had an interesting drive in Vietnam during flood season where we experienced mud slides, fallen trees and potholes as deep as the car but the roads in Nepal are in desperate shape.
15th October 2012

So sorry, so happy!
So sorry about Dave's fall, but so happy you're both nurses with good meds and that he's mending. Sometimes the universe sends us these blips to tell us to slow down--glad it was in a gorgeous spot. Those shots of Everest are fantastic--how wise to take that flight! You really experienced something unique. And as your photo of the dead bus by the roadside attests, planes seem so much safer than cars and buses. Safe journey!
16th October 2012

Safety in the Himalayas
I have no doubt that in this part of the world it is safer to fly than drive. One the day we left Pokhara there was a line of protestor's in vehicles with bull horns shouting and passing our flyers. When we asked what was going on we were told it is a revolution. They were attempting to gain attention concerning the hazards and dangers on the roads because so many have been injured and killed. I believe that is a revolution I could support.
16th October 2012

It's hike then drink, not drink then hike!!
Glad to hear Dave's on the mend. Those mountains look amazing. Stay safe and upright!
16th October 2012

Hey Mark,
Yes the gravity can be a devil. We are in Bhutan and feeling much safer. The mountains were amazing.
6th January 2014

Top of the world!
Just enjoyed reading your blog on the Himalayas, beautiful photos, I was lucky enough to visit them from the Chinese side. Did you make it to Mount Kailish at all or were you just staying somewhere named after that? That is high on my list if I am lucky enough to go back.
6th January 2014

Hopefully you will return
We were staying in a place called Mt. Kailish. So much to see and so little time. Hopefully you will enjoy reading our blogs and it would be great if you would rate our photos.

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