Interesting Day in Nagasaki

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April 19th 2015
Published: April 20th 2015
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After an hour ride from Nagasaki to the Shimabara Peninsula, we arrived in Hell! Yes, that is the real name because the ground continually spews hot water and steam. The smell of sulphur was pretty strong but as we meandered along a pleasant and scenic path we didn’t notice it anymore. In one location, the water was bubbling on the surface which meant is was at boiling temperature.

At a local restaurant, we were served a delicious although very Americanized lunch. The chicken which was delicious was covered with cheese and served on noodles with french fries. The salad was very similar to our tossed salad and of course, a lovely layered cake for dessert. The Japanese guide next to me didn’t eat what we did (she said she had allergies - probably to our food) and had just meat with no starches or cheese and some kind of soup. Meanwhile, the background music was sixties rock and roll. LOL

Next stop was a small village which was buried by lava rock and mud in 1991 from an eruption by Mount Fugen. They have a museum of some of the houses that were affected.

Onto the Shimbara Castle where we climbed the steps to the tower and had a panoramic 360 degree view of the area.

It was raining on our return to Nagasaki but we did do a drive by of the Peace Park where the Atomic bomb ground zero was and saw the only ruin that remains in the form of a one pillar gate on one of the side streets.

As we awaited departure, a group of school children played Anchors Away for us. It was raining but thankfully warm and the kids waved good-bye until we were out of the harbor.

Saw a new cruise ship being built in that harbor.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


One Legged ToriiOne Legged Torii
One Legged Torii

One half of an arch that survived the A-Bomb.
Playing Anchors Away in the RainPlaying Anchors Away in the Rain
Playing Anchors Away in the Rain

Watching from the deck of the cruise ship

21st April 2015
New Cruise Ship in the Making

Just loved Japan too .....their love for Nature is so inspiring their simplistic delicate style is something i aspire too, i hope you get to eat tempura .....enjoy every minute springtime is the best time to be there lucky you!!!!
23rd April 2015
New Cruise Ship in the Making

Moving fast
Maria, We are in and out of these countries like a revolving door! It is enjoyable but we don't really have enough time to do more of what we want. I guess we will just have to take more trips with more time in each place. Japan would be one of those. The earth has been kind to us - we just missed an earthquake in Taiwan. Phew! Waiting to hear good news from your end...

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