Unforgettable Udaipur

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March 19th 2024
Published: March 19th 2024
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We arrived in Udaipur airport and after successfully collecting our luggage set off to explore the ‘Venice of the East’. It didn’t disappoint.

First up was a visit to the Monsoon Palace perched high on a hill overlooking picturesque Udaipur which is built on a series of lakes, the main one being Lake Pichola. Apparently it was featured in the James Bond classic ‘Octopussy’ although I don’t recall seeing it in the movie. The best part of the so-called Palace was the view which although the city was shrouded in fog was still a grand vista. The Palace on the other hand was more a slightly dilapidated white marble edifice complete with irritating monkeys that stole another tourists food right out of her hands.

Then it was on to our very impressive hotel Ananta Udaipur which reminded me of a Balinese resort in its look, feel and level of service. Despite a few ‘Faulty Towers’ moments with the waiters, the hotel was superb.

The next day we explored the Udaipur City Palace which in contrast to the Monsoon Palace was breathtakingly beautiful and thoroughly interesting. Its the former residence of a long line of Rajasthan (the state we’re currently in) Kings. It’s huge and is more like a conglomerate than one building.

As you meander from one area to another through its narrow corridors and steep staircases you can’t but think of the many people who occupied it. There are excellent displays to see along the way like their armaments and chain mail suits, artwork, sculptures, and the very impressive intricate and ornate architecture both inside and out.

After wandering the corridors of the Palace we added a quick side trip to a Hindu temple and some quick roadside shopping for a few of the gang. This was followed by a boat trip on Lake Pichola which was picturesque especially after the previous day’s smog had all but vanished.

For dinner that night we were treated to a beautiful lakeside restaurant across the water from the spectacularly lit Palace where we’d spent the morning. Another highlight was the motor Rickshaw ride through the very narrow laneways to reach the dinner location. The laneways were teaming with pedestrians, motorbikes, other rickshaws, and even a few game cars!!

Tomorrow were heading to Jodhpur via a place called Ranakpur to visit a Jain Temple.

Until next time…..

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21st March 2024

Looks amazing
Looks like you are having an amazing time!

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