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October 28th 2017
Published: October 29th 2017
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Our flight from Chongqing to Shanghai arrived at 11:30. Barb experienced some ear problems while in flight and after landing discovered she was very dizzy. We got to the Baggage Claim but Barb was not feeling well at all and Bonnie had to do the bag grabbing as well as be nurse to her ailing sidekick. Everyone was concerned because Barb was "out of it" but managed to get on the bus, lay down on the back seat and close her eyes. We arrived at the restaurant and luckily there was a couch that Barb could recline on and try to get back to normal. After about an hours rest, while the others enjoyed their lunch, Barb was feeling some better. Back on the bus to the Shanghai Museum. Barb contemplated staying in the bus but decided she felt well enough to go and if she felt poorly she could sit down. We got through the afternoon. Tonight we are booked to go to the Chinese Acrobat Show and Barb had to decide whether she was well enough to go or go back to the hotel. She decided she would go. In hind sight she was glad she went as it was a fantastic performance. Back to the hotel about 10 PM and into bed as fast as she could!

Saturday morning dawned sunny and bright with temperatures in the low 20C. We were up and down for breakfast at 8 AM and on the bus at 8:45. Today was a wonderful day. We started out at the silk factory. We learned how silk was made from the cocoons of the silk worm. We were then taken into a huge showroom where wonderful silk duvets, duvet covers, sheets, pillow cases and clothes were for sale. The products were very beautiful but quite expensive.. From there we travelled through the busy streets to the Bund. It is a beautiful walkway along the Huang Po River, a tributary of the Yangtze River that divides Shanghai. On the west side is the old British part of Shanghai and on the east side is the new financial Centre of Shanghai. The sky line is amazing. It was a beautiful day to be outside walking among hundreds of people doing the same.

Lunch time again! It seems all we do is eat. The restaurant was in a busy mall. The meal was quite good . From there we went to a Silk Embroidery Gallery. The artwork was beautiful but again quite expensive. From there we were taken to the Centre of Shanghai called Nanjing Road. This is the Times Square of Shanghai..There were wall to wall people and every high end store imaginable. We had yet to see any evidence of knockoffs but finally twigged that people who came up to us with a card or page with watches, purses, scarves,T shirts were the knock off sellers. I was interested in buying a watch so the four of us followed a woman who told us she had the biggest store. Down an alley we went , through a small store front that looks legit and then through a closed door, up a few flights of narrow stairs to a room filled with purses of every name brand and metal brief cases filled with watches. It is a long story but we managed to procure three high end knockoffs for a "reasonable" price.

Back to our meeting place at 5 PM and off to our last dinner together. Fourteen of our group are returning to Canada tomorrow while the remaining 23 carry on to Hong Kong. We got back to the hotel about 7:15, said our good byes to our wonderful guide, Leo, and up to our room for a relaxing evening with a couple of friends, reviewing our trip. We have a relaxing morning on Sunday, for the first time on this trip. We check out at 12 and head to the airport at 12:30. Long day as we do not depart from Shanghai until 6:30 and land in Toronto at 7:45 PM.

We will last entry when we are safely back home in Huron County!

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


Silk Embroidery PicturesSilk Embroidery Pictures
Silk Embroidery Pictures

These can be bought and shipped to your home. Worth many thousands of US dollars.
Apple StoreApple Store
Apple Store

Very crowded.
A supermarket in ShanghaiA supermarket in Shanghai
A supermarket in Shanghai

Guess what we were shopping for.
The squat toiletThe squat toilet
The squat toilet

Hope we never see another one of these. This one was a good one. Some just a trough or hole that emptied into the ground or river???
Our wonderful guide LeoOur wonderful guide Leo
Our wonderful guide Leo

Had a enourmous job of keeping 37 people on time, in the right location and happy!!!!
Sometimes Leo would get quite exasperated!  Sometimes Leo would get quite exasperated!
Sometimes Leo would get quite exasperated!

Had to explain details numerous times and then there were always those few who didn't get it!! Exasperating!

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