Another day in paradise...

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May 16th 2013
Published: May 16th 2013
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"Another day in paradise" comes from the movie Oblivion - you should watch it if you havent already...

so its Thursday and I realised I had not blogged for a while, each day I have been going to the office in Lagos where a "Health and Safety Week" is taking place, this involves speakers coming from different organisations to speak to all 350 employees about Health and Safety for 1 hour. todays subject was hepatitis B. After the event I went on the run my Risk assessment course, I am running the same course for 5 days tommorow being the last. on tuesday one of my monday students gave me a bible and a book called open heavens, today a student gave me a book about Jewish advice, most of you probably know that I am not religious however it is nice that they are thinking of me.

Tuesdays group was a bit strange and I wasnt over keen on them but yesterdays and todays were the usual fun - infact today the three younger guys (aged around 21) wanted my autograph! bizzare moment!

last night Mike and I went to a chinese for dinner, this time we researched it so we knew it was good food, it was the best chinese food I have had in a long time - I really enjoyed it - yum.

I woke up this morning feeling really tired, I have been watching the walking dead (zombie show) and last night I had a very vivid dream that mum was in my room trying to wake me, I told her that i knew I was dreaming because she would never travel to lagos, then she started to bite me and I woke up, but I couldnt open my left eye.... not sure if I thumped myself fighting zombie mum off or if it is an allergy but the swelling has gone down now and I am ok 😊

I am relaxing tonight and not doing anything but trying to avoid zombies in my dreams, watching the walking dead and David Beckham on the news


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