Moroccan & Spain Reconnaissance

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Africa » Morocco » Souss-Massa-Draâ » Ouarzazate
January 19th 2020
Published: January 19th 2020
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Here I go again!

Set off tomorrow for a short adventure in Spain and Morocco. Only three and a half weeks but mostly hectic travelling.

Start off with 4 nights in Malaga, staying with friend John who is hiring an apartment near the city centre (he's already there).

John's brother, Michael, who lives near Granada will be joining us towards the end of this week.

On Friday 24th, Michael & me head off by coach to the ferry.

Then, after a night in Tangier, catch a train to Marrakech, a few nights there then a coach to Ouazazate, near the sahara (3nights), then a coach to Tarroudant, south of the High Atlas from Marrakech (3nights), then after 1 night in Agadir, a coach to Tafroute, in middle of the Anti Atlas (3nights). Then it's a mad dash back to Malaga with one night in Marrakech and another on the night train to Tangier.

Upon our return to Spain on 8th Feb, I hope to go and see Michaels house near Granada and his almond and olive groves.

I fly back to Blighty on 13th Feb.

The above is the plan, and as I have booked all our hotels, it had better stay the plan or we are in trouble!

Will keep y'all posted every few days at least.

Photo's are before & after the Big Chop on New Years Day! I went to barbers soon after and it's even shorter now!!! Dries much quicker after wash...

Peace & chips,



19th January 2020

Enjoy, have a good journey tomorrow. Pictures please!
19th January 2020

Hi Pedro, got your comment & can respond! If you get this.....
20th January 2020

Have a great time Noggo
20th January 2020

Sounds good!
You should be in Malaga by now - so just saying bon voyage for your travels in Morocco. Enjoy!
21st January 2020

Happy holidays!
Hope you have a great time, bon voyage! Looking fwd to seeing the pics. Fossils say "love from Sheesh and George". Same from Gordy and me xxxx
22nd January 2020

Wh-HAIR is the democracy?
I thought we were supposed to get to VOTE on your new hair style!
27th January 2020

Whoa there Richard
What are you doing with your leftovers?
27th January 2020

Feeding the 5,000, or throwing to cats, seems a waste but getting huge meals probably due to my size...

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