From the Valley of the Kings back to Cairo

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November 16th 2023
Published: November 17th 2023
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King Tutankhamen
Luxor: the spectacular Valley of the Kings and last day in Cairo trip to the Khan el Khalili bazaar

We set off early to the Valley of the Kings to avoid crowds. We visited 6 tombs in all. Tutankhamen was a must see of course and yes we saw his mummy but the tomb is very simple.his famous burial mask is in the Egyptian museum and other treasures are all likely to end in the new Grand Egyptian Museum. The most extraordinary of the tombs was Seti 1. At an extra charge of $70AUD it was worth it. Outstanding colours and it is very big with several different sections.

Other visits were to Hatshepsut (pronounced hats cheap suit), the Luxor temple at night which was great and Karnak. Karnak and Luxor temple are connected by a 2.5 km avenue of sphinx. Amazing!

With a flight back to Cairo we had a stop to shop at the Khan el Khalili bazaar. Although we had been before we made good use of our time by grabbing a very fresh felafel sandwich or two at a cost of $1 AUD for two!

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Tomb of Seti 1

Wall painting was really colourful

Seti 1 was a big tomb

Sample of wall hieroglyphics

Colossus of Menon

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